Sunday, July 31, 2022


I have been a card carrying member of Facebook for well over a decade. As loose as I have gotten on FB, I have never been tossed in FB jail. Yet after only 5 months on Twitter, I am incarcerated in their lock up for the next 12 hours. 

What a bunch of nancies. Twitter is not only not worth the trouble, they seem to be populated and run by a snobbish group think mentality that quashes the free exchange of ideas and insults. I'll take Facebook over Twitter any day.

Rather than close my Twitter account in a huff, I will sit out my punishment and get along with my day best as I can. The emotional damage caused by their insensitivity will eventually heal I am told. But come on, 12 hours? That is inhuman.

"@TheGoodLiars @joncoopertweets That's hilarious. Ruining the sanctity of the golf course. He should be drawn and quartered and his head put on a spike. Good thing they were not in Saudi Arabia, they might have done just that."

I thought the offending tweet was the one I indicated I would like to live long enough to piss on Trump's grave. But no, it was a tweet that was in response to a video about heckling Phil Mickelson at the recent Saudi owned golf tournament at Trump's course in New Jersey. 

My sarcastic remark was aimed at the commentator on the video. But the bots Twitter use picked it out as a personal attack using violent language. Actually I thought and still do think it was funny and fuck Twitter for allowing this kind of over sensitivity wash out any substance from the platform.

So, anyway, I sit here licking my wounds early Sunday morning and wonder who else can I piss off today. That would really make my day.

Wish me luck ..................................


I have been waiting to include one of my favorite Blues tunes. David Bromberg's version of "Send me to the Electric Chair" is a classic.



Nan said...

The S.O. got locked out of Twitter for a sarcastic tweet he posted that used the word 'ammosexuals.' The automatons at Twitter apparently think it's a disparaging remark about gays. His account is now locked until he deletes that tweet. He's now wasting time frustrating himself by doing repeated help messages to Twitter asking for an explanation of what exactly was wrong with the tweet. He's never going to get a response beyond the automated 'it violates community standards' without any specifics but he'll keep trying anyway. I need to come up with a longer honey do list to get him away from the computer.

One from Ukraine said...

To previous post.

Yeah, electronic totalitarism as it is.

"So, anyway, I sit here licking my wounds early Sunday morning and wonder who else can I piss off today. That would really make my day."

You can dig your teeth in me any time. ;-P
Though, I'll be too tough a nut fer ya. (wide green)

MRMacrum said...

Nan - "ammosexuals" - LMAO. That's hilarious. It's a keeper for sure. Maybe I should have held the line like Ray did. But I thought wasting my time trying to convince inflexible etiquette bots my tweet was meant to be funny, I deleted it and will now await my release anxiously hoping I haven't missed too much. After all, the social media is Life. Right?

One from the Ukraine - It's no fun taking a bite out of someone who can take it.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I didn't know twitter had a jail.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Kulkuri said...

Here's the tweet that got me locked out. The only way I can remove the lockout is to delete the tweet. I contend there is nothing wrong with the tweet, IT'S THE TRUTH!

Ray Männikkö
@thegoodgodabove It's not that politicians love guns, they love the money they get from the NRA and ammosexuals. They are just whores who do it for the money, cheap whores at that!
Jul 5, 2022, 10:43 PM

MRMacrum said...

peppylady - Yeah, Twitter has a jail and they are so ever ready to use it for the silliest of reasons.

Kulkiri - I did not try to fight the bots. It was not worth it. I deleted my tweet and sat out the 12 hours. But I will say, it changed how I interact with the Twits that run Twit land. Twitter makes Facebook not look so bad.

One from Ukraine said...

One from the Ukraine - It's no fun taking a bite out of someone who can take it.

Yeah. Fair. :))))))))
Though that makes it look like bulling... cest la vi.

MRMacrum said...

One from Ukraine - Yeah, you are right. That does seem like bullying. No, that is what a bully does. Perhaps I need to take a step back and consider ..........

yellowdoggranny said...

I spend more time in facebook jail than not..them fuckers.

One from Ukraine said...

Blogger MRMacrum said...
Perhaps I need to take a step back and consider ..........

Forgive me, if you willing to. But I'll drag this conversation a little longer.

Because there is implication of this revelation. And quite relevant today.

What if one trying to corner another one with logic and facts...
and that other starts screaming "stop bulling me!!!".
That is same time from own experience(s). But same time it never was this apparent.
So, that is generalised observation.
There was lateral to it excuses. Like "you are so boring". Or, actually "you are that nasty troll". Or, "do not do this, 'cause it is not corteous". And etc.

Obviusly, that is not possible to agree with it.
Imagine, that all and any rational inqueries could be thrown aside that way.
Like, with a bit of black humor "doctor, I saw it! you filled that syringe with rat poison, not peniciline... oh, shuddup, are you not honoring me as a doctor?!!"

PS Very interesting to know your opinion.
Or, maybe, some masterful textual flick depicting such situation.

MRMacrum said...

One from Ukraine - "What if one trying to corner another one with logic and facts...
and that other starts screaming "stop bulling me!!!"."

In today's discussions on the Internet, being called a bully does not necessarily mean one is indeed a bully, especially if the so called bully has facts and logic on their side. But the bar has been set pretty low by folks who cannot be swayed by facts and logic. Many of them retreat and use accusations of "You are a bully", or they just deny the facts of your argument to hold onto their less than logical take in the matter.

I don't consider my confrontations with people insisting on using falsehoods as bullying. My bullying occurs when I target them more than once. What I have to do is walk away after I have decided my counterpart is an idiot. Doing that I find hard to do as the Internet is such a target rich environment.

I would actually prefer to have civil discussions, but after almost 30 years now on the Internet, I have found that "civil" is often a dirty word depending where one happens to travel out there in the Internet Ether.

What I need to do is quash my "Troll like leanings" and return to my civil ways like well, right now.

One from Ukraine said...

\\In today's discussions on the Internet, being called a bully does not necessarily mean one is indeed a bully


\\I would actually prefer to have civil discussions,

Yeah. That's what my proposal "You can dig your teeth in me any time. ;-P" was about.
Well, I have a good conversation in other blog just now. Regarding hairy things like Trump's, Stalin's politics and analogy and reasons of historical use of words like "nazi". ;-)
Yap, rare thing it is.
But, nothing is impossible.
It seems that mutually interesting topic is the crucial thing.

PS I like flow of your thoughts very much. Believe me, that is not shallow praise. (I am rarely praising people)
And that is not tit-for-tat praise also. Means I do not want anything from you. Except maybe, my deeply egoistical desire to be somehow helpfull, interesting and maybe insightfull, as reading of your blog is for me.

MRMacrum said...

One from Ukraine - I would not have been keeping our conversation going had I decided you were well, a jerk. I too, enjoy our discussions. Sometimes you poke me in uncomfortable ways, but I think we all need that from time to time.

Thanks for visiting here. You are always welcome.

The Blog Fodder said...

Twitter is allowing Russian posts calling for the torture and death of Ukrainians but are blocking many Ukrainian posts about The Russian treatment of Ukrainians.

One from Ukraine said...

Yet one remark. Last one, probably. :-)

I have less experience with Inet brawls... em, discussions.:-)
But still, grossly it's about 20 years now.
And what I found after all this years that people's notion of civil discussion it's about singing kumbaya together -- repeating word to word same preachings, non-questioning, ( your synonim here...). That's like that christians among which usual conversation could be "A:Jzuz something something. B:Trully, Jzuz something something" and they seem like overly content and even pleased with it.

But that is vastly UNproductive!
What new information recieved? What new knowledge generated? What important conclusions made???

Well, I, through years of humbling down defeats seems like grown in my understanding. That in that numerous thousands years Humankind exist. Most of the time. Conversations was exactly like this because there was like nothing changing, to that extent that would need discussion. And when it real did that change occured, it would need "fight or flight" reaction. And not discussion.

And though it changed. Not that long ago. Like in the end of 20th century. With Era of Information and all.
Vastly more people still like to live the way "it always was", than try to pierce the sky with never ending inquering...

\\Sometimes you poke me in uncomfortable ways...

This is disturbing.
As I, never tryed to be criticizing even here. (fellow Blog Fodder here can say about his experience of when I am, though, I would not believed to his words ;-) alone, without facts presented alongside em)
So. To read words like "you poke me in uncomfortable ways" makes me uncomfortable. As in, it is not likeable when you doing something, and achiving in result something opposite (like in your post about your experiences with brushes and etc) But still, such a feedback is much better than feigned ignore or even blocking/banning.

From my side, I plead you to give me correcting remarks, so I would know when or why I made you uncomfortable.
As it never was and is not my intention.(if I'd have one, believe me, I'll be frank about it... and not without reason, or two)

\\Thanks for visiting here. You are always welcome.

That one is omnious too. :-)
Not your fault.
Just from my previous experience.

PS If you'd not like wordiness, bad commandement of English, errs, some style lapses or wrong mood assessment, or... whatever.
Sorry about that.
My ordinary style of talking was much more nerdy -- means terse, judgy and opinionated. Well, one people call "trolling". And not without merit.
And only recently (like several years) I devised and tryed to make it more humanly. (that's why I like your writing, taking it as example)

One from Ukraine said...

to The Blog Fodder

So? What do you think about that recent Amnesty International report? (cunning smile)

MRMacrum said...

One from Ukraine - Your comment has a lot to sort out.

First of all, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable with my "you make me uncomfortable" remark. I meant by that remark that you bring up considerations on some of my points that challenged them in a good way, a way that made me consider them in different ways. That is a good thing and it represents to me what is part of a "civil Discussion".

As you point out, all too often, civil discussion amounts to no more than preaching to the choir. That is saying what makes the other person the most comfortable. In my opinion, I relish conflict when it has the possibility of bringing positive change.

As a reminder, I always fall back on my conversations some years ago with a fellow who was against Capital Punishment. Up to that point I had been a staunch pro-capital punishment advocate. After several months of off and on discussions with him, I came around to the anti-capital punishment stand. He convinced me with logic and statistics combined with a very calm voice that capital punishment is fundamentally flawed and should be banned.

Your difficulties with English are minor in my opinion. I can understand you fine and besides, we would be in serious trouble if I tried to write you in Ukrainian.

One from Ukraine said...

\\First of all, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable with my "you make me uncomfortable" remark.

I still have lots and lots to learn.
My "uncomfortable" there was direct and honest depiction of my inner feeling. Really, its confusing when one cannot get what's happening because results go avril. But. I was not able to transfer more important meaning -- that I am not of that people who fears such feelings, trying to avoid em -- quite contrary, it seems like I deliberately seeking for it. To enlarge my understanding... of everything, and anything. :-)
Such a nasty habit I have. (Einstain's photo with his tongue out here ;-P)

\\I meant by that remark that you bring up considerations on some of my points that challenged them in a good way, a way that made me consider them in different ways.

Yeah. Exactly.
That is the point of discussing things -- one mind, one brain freakingly cannot phatome all and any facets of that enormous thing called Universe.

\\He convinced me with logic and statistics combined with a very calm voice that capital punishment is fundamentally flawed and should be banned.

To my dismy... I have no similar experience, yet.

\\Your difficulties with English are minor in my opinion.

Still, I encourage you to point em out to me. Without any mercy.
'Cause. It seems that I stuck in it, without improvments.
For not I use tactics of shorter sentencies. And voice-based choise of which word to use.
But still, I feel it reads more like Ukra-nglish, than proper English.

\\we would be in serious trouble if I tried to write you in Ukrainian.

Yeah... ever changing word endings can screw anybody's mind. Anybody who have no experience with tone-based and hierogliphic chinese. ;-P