Well, Happy New Year ............
And another year has been stashed in the quiver I keep my memories in. Along with many of my teen aged cohorts, I never expected to make it this far. Matter of fact, I was supposed to have exited before the Millennium. Self Destruction, the only thing I was interested in before age 25.
........... Hmm
38 years later I sit here trying to scare up some kind, any kind of feeling for where I have been, how I got here, and where I am headed. Maybe that is the secret of my success. ............. or the bedrock of my failure. I just don't give tomorrow much thought, nor dwell on the past unless stoned with head phones on.
......... Hmm
What's done is done. What will come, will come. What it is........... is taking that next breath and trying not to trip over our own feet in the process. The rest is nothing but filler.
Keep it tween the ditches....................................