The Evangelical Right has been whining for years about how unfair the Secular World is to them. Cry me a river. They enthusiastically endorsed the most evil and amoral politician in years and then expect us to not notice the blatant hypocrisy of that move. They deserve all the disrespect and derision they get.
Clueless soldiers of God wonder why they are losing faithful participants at such a high rate. They did this to themselves with their inflexible and nonsensical views that somehow taking us back to the days of the Old Testament will save us, but just in case get ready for the End. I have no pity nor any respect for them.
Instead of looking inward to the cause of their decline, they hide behind tired excuses, religious mumbo jumbo and that favorite of favorites, religious persecution. Bullshit. Heathens are not to blame. They, and they only are to blame. Nothing but a bunch of sanctimonious jerkwads.
All the Secular World wants from them is to stop trying to turn our nation into a Theocracy and become no better than those countries they pretend to hate, because everyone knows the Christian god is the only true god. Save the Fire and Brimstone for Sunday behind closed doors. Stop trying to cram it down my throat.
But I guess it was only a matter of time before they were going to meet their new Messiah. The God Fearing and the God Sneering united in a duality of purposes, both intent on the subjugation of the folks they pretend to care about. You two deserve each other.
And to think I once considered the Episcopal priesthood as a career. Damn, I sure dodged a bullet.
Later .................................................
Thursday, December 05, 2019
Monday, December 02, 2019
You Can't Fix Evil
When flinging derogatory comments
at the Right Winging side of the political aisle, a favorite go to slogan
was, "You can't fix Stupid". It offered some small satisfaction
and closure when dealing with the idiots of the opposition. Logic
certainly was useless as the Right existed and still does in a selfish
intractable world devoid of logic and common sense.
I have moved on from the quaint notion,
“You can't fix Stupid". More than 30 years of bruises and blackened
eyes trying to bring the Stupid back to the world of objectivity and facts has
convinced me that the Stupid of the Right will always be stupid and there is
nothing I can do about it.
It is obvious to me that the puppet
masters pulling the Right Winging strings of their slack jawed minions know
what they are doing. They know that what they are doing is evil when
looked at using universally accepted rules of ethics and moral behavior.
They just do not care as long as they can continue to manipulate the population
in the direction that benefits them and those like them. Using lies to
build fear and divisiveness, they have been able to move the USA in any
direction they want.
To be fair, there are those on the
Left who also try to emulate the Right's evil ways. Their efforts are
Bush League when compared to the Right’s masterful ability to disseminate
fantastical lies as facts
I realize I can't fix Stupid. More importantly, It is
Evil I cannot fix. I can only oppose it and try to minimize its impact.
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