Saturday, July 02, 2022

Someone Else's Blues

It has been a week since I posted anything online. Not on my blog, Not on Facebook. Not on Twitter. I did not consciously take time off. It just happened.

I think my missing in action status was kicked off by a commercial NBC runs regularly hawking their kid's online news program, "Nightly News with Lester Holt, Kid's Edition". To add some beef to the ad, they offer several three or four second moments of children asking questions about current events. I cannot remember from one viewing to another any of the kid's questions or comments with the exception of one ten year old who looks straight at the camera and asks:

"Can you tell me what is going on?"

Every time I see this commercial now, I snarl at the screen, 

"Never mind the kids, please tell me what the fuck is going on first."

This is how confused, disappointed and really pissed off I am now. I feel myself wanting to just hide under a rock, spark up a Doob, and let the waning years left to me pass by as painlessly as possible. ......... Hmm.

So I crawled into a convenient hole and sulked these past days. The wound of a thousand cuts spread over forty years are so extensive, licking them is no longer an option. But then neither is caving and becoming the type of drooling minion the Right loves; one who does not complain or ask questions. Fear filled populations are easier to control. So the Right pours on the hate, pours on the lies, they never give up. They are relentless.

I often think the Right Wingers' brow beating ways and their use of outrageous made up Bull Shit has finally worn down my last nub. But as I said, that is the result they want. If they can't convert, turning me into another apathetic asshole works just as well, ........ maybe better. 

Contrary to the Right's claim only they are the moral, high ideal love of humanity group, they actually have no real interest in ideology or policy that works for our mutual benefit. They offer up vague slippery tongued promises of good times in the future if we will only follow them and submit to their obvious superior plans. But their plans in recent years have not lived up to their promises. All they want to do is to dial back the clock and rescind rights so many fought for these last 60-70 years. That is not a path forward. That is painful atrophy. Every major change they have forced down our throats always seem to only help the missions of a select few or fill the pockets of their leadership and good buddies in board rooms around the world. 

I know that this country I now have trouble identifying with went through these changes incrementally one fuck up at a time. While both the Right and the Left had a part in the madness, the Right was more enthusiastic and eager to put the screws to the majority of us who considered people by their content, not their looks, their sexual identity, or what religion they bent their knees to. 

Sadly it appears they may have their way, and are now poised for a successful takeover of the USA for some years to come. At best, I see us in the near future living in a Corporate Autocracy. At worse, we end up a Fascist state or even worse, a Theocracy. Those kind of evils have been hiding in the shadows forever. This may be their time in the Sun,

As Jackie, my good internet friend from Texas has said for years:

"We are so fucked."

The time needed to change the horizon we are heading for grows short. 

Later .............................................


I know, I know ..... Music to whine by, complain by, face the evil heading our by. This may take some time.

REM's tune, "It's the end of the World"  covers things nicely I guess. 

But as a bonus tune I came across while looking for more specific to the point of the post music is "Someone Else's Blues" by one of my all time favorite musicians, David Bromberg, because I guess I have been waking up lately with "Someone Else's Blues".


Kulkuri said...

What pisses me off about the Never-Right is their appropriating patriotism and religion as their purview. I don't give a fuck about the religion, but the patriotism stings because they are the most UNAMERICAN Motherfuckers on the planet! One plus would be if they took religion down with them as they swirl around the toilet-bowl.

The last time those Motherfuckers did anything good for this country was the Nixon administration! Fucking Nixon!!!

Tricky Dicky cut the budget and they kicked me out of the Air Force 4 months early. I still didn't vote for the crook!

P.S. I deleted my first comment because I couldn't edit after I published and I remembered I wanted add to my comment.

Bobalooski said...

Damn crazy times and getting crazier. I’m trying to digest with hope that there is still hope because I need to believe there is still hope and I still believe that if I work foe peace, others will as well.. Yet, I have to ask…Isn’t anyone going to comment about the accompanying photo? Ha! It’s a cross between Diane Keaton and Brave Heart. The term Rugged Individual is appropriate… Keep rocking the Maine model, Wildman.

peppylady (Dora) said...

When people really push moral, or even law and order. I start to wonder what there really up to.
Coffee is on and stay safe

One from Ukraine said...

From my side I can propose only one thing to fight back dispare.
And that is inclination on some bright ideas.
Well, that is not universal. Differnt people like different things.
For me that is AI and future techs. ;-)

PipeTobacco said...

We unfortunately get the impact of tRump for probably a good two decades or more now… in the form of the Supreme Court. That will, regrettably, be a far bigger legacy than the damnable four years he was actually in office.


yellowdoggranny said...

I'm sorry ..all I could do was laugh at your photo...cracking up laughing and thinking my ole buddy looks like smurf fucked up on weed...