Monday, July 25, 2022

Compiling My Own Truths

The day I heard Kellyanne Douche-bag stand in front of the media and defend her president's serial lying with an inference that out there in the space that is filled with facts and non-facts, there exists facts that will support any kind of deviation from the accepted factual norms. With a straight face, she insisted that "Alternative Facts" did indeed exist and because they existed, her president was not a liar. 

I immediately thought of the atom; that basic building block upon which every physical thing in the Universe depends on for their structure, their purpose, their existence. Within the atom there are three even smaller objects known as subatomic particles. They are the electrons, the protons, and the neutrons. The protons and the electrons do most of the real work it seems, while the neutrons just buzz around getting in the way. Protons and Electrons represent facts and non-facts. And Neutrons represent Kellyanne's "alternative facts". They orbit around the nucleus at astounding speeds. Their purpose is still a mystery as are the Alternative Realities conjured up in the toilet stalls of the Trump White House. 

This revelation happened a few months into Trump's only term as president. Like many anti-Trumpers, I had not yet become hardened to the day in, day out flow of bullshit that oozed out of Trump's pie hole. I could not believe my ears. I was outraged. This is not the kind of Texas Leaguer crap I expected from a national leader. It cemented my contention that short of assassination, I would accept almost any effort that successfully removed that clown from office.

Looking at that one news conference now five or six years later, I have decided that it was a pivotal moment in the distribution of news around the World. From that one stupid and wrong assertion that real facts had twisted twin facts that could be used to destroy the facts most of us considered the truth, well, today, facts just do not matter to a sizable minority of Americans anymore. Uncomfortable truths can be be discarded and/or ignored by relying on any deceit or deception they want to come up with for themselves.

Not happy with the truth, create your own truth and live happy as if you had a brain. The Right has always tended this direction, but nothing close to the new psychotic need to "own the Libs". And almost as automatically, the Right does not even bother looking for the truth anywhere but in the fantasies that bubble up from the cesspools they know as their minds.

As I wrote earlier, the acceptance of "alternative facts" into our conversations has dramatically changed how we view and use what we see and hear to help define our place in the scheme of things. And as much as I hate to admit it, some good has come out of the resistance of the Right to any information not conjured up on their side of the aisle. It has made me a better observer of current events, policy changes, and the crazy behind the scenes BS that muddies the events unfolding in government. I now will often look for supporting information on claims, events, etc that are loudly being denied by the Wingers.

I have also begun to compile a list of my own truths. Not "alternative facts", but truths I have decided are true. They are what I base on my opinions on. 

  • Many, many people claim we live in a Democracy. I do not think we do. More than a few poli-sci folks with letters after their name agree with me. I am of the opinion as many others are that this mess we call US Democracy is actually a Constitutional Republic. In my opinion the only true democracy in my life is the annual Acton Town meeting where everything is decided one person, one vote.
  • Trump lost the election and anyone who disagrees with that truth is an idiot or some slimy evil Winger slug who doesn't deserve any consideration from me.
  • Jan. 6 was an insurrection and the people caught up in it are traitors and should be punished more harshly than they have been to this point.
  • In groups, humans tend to project their worst character flaws. Exclusion, deception, bias, lethargy, ambivalence and hate all seem to take deeper root in a group think scenario; making all of them harder to root out.
  • Looking for the Good in people needs to be tempered by having a sense of the Hate that may lurk just under the surface. Never assume all people are Good and never assume all people are Bad. 
  • Of all the hate, discontent and useless whining over the petty issues of Humanity, the absolute top tier issue our stupid race should be addressing is Climate Change. If we do not address that, none of all the stupid shit we waste time on will matter. 
  • The Planet does not give a hoot what we do. It will continue on with or without us. It does not care what we do to it. But not caring what we do to it is flirting with disaster.

The list is far from complete. And I can see at least a couple of these first entries as candidates for later reassessment. Regardless, I am going to find my own truths now with the idea that I can back them up with reasonable logic.

Keep it 'tween the ditches ..................................


Music for this post .... Hmm. Give me a minute.

Found this by mistake. "Hopelessly Hoping" by Crosby, Stills and Nash should fit okay. Not perfectly , but then who cares. It is a great tune..... Timeless.


One from Ukraine said...

\\ The protons and the electrons do most of the real work it seems, while the neutrons just buzz around getting in the way. Protons and Electrons represent facts and non-facts. And Neutrons represent Kellyanne's "alternative facts". They orbit around the nucleus at astounding speeds. Their purpose is still a mystery

Well, from mid 20th century it is not.

There is that quirky promiscious mesons who snicking in between protons and neutrons. That make em to do TG swaps ;-P
Because other way... how do you think + charged protons can stay together in nucleous??? While same sign charged particless dispise each other so much.
That's because mesons make em flip their gende... err, charge.
So then macho protons became limpdick neutrons. ;-P

Well, there is even more complex views that include quarks and gluons... and who know what more.
But I feel not confident enough to explain that.

\\Trump lost the election and anyone who disagrees with that truth is an idiot or some slimy evil Winger slug who doesn't deserve any consideration from me.

Well... there is fans of this or that kind sport club... they hardly can decide on basiest facts like, who won and etc.

\\Of all the hate, discontent and useless whining over the petty issues of Humanity, the absolute top tier issue our stupid race should be addressing is Climate Change.

Reducing it to this two words alone can be mind-numbing.
Well, alternative is mind-numbing too, but of a different kind.
As it damn too complex problem.
While we cannot decide many thing about our own body.
To think that we can be mindfull of such super-body as our super-organism called Earth...

yellowdoggranny said...

I always said we were here for the Goddess's amusement and once we quit making her laugh she'd shrug her shoulder and kick us off the earth...I'm waiting...