Saturday, April 01, 2023

The Bullshit Pit

This meme passed through my Facebook page earlier today. It is a general statement with no context, no proof, nothing but a knee jerk thought supposedly from a famous author. 

Actually, according to Snopes, Fyodor did not say this, write this, or insinuate the idea in public ... ever. Just another quote misattributed to a famous person to support current political or cultural hyperbole. In this case it is an obvious effort to support the "logic" of "Cancel Culture".

As soon as I read it, I thought something smelled. In my several efforts to slog my through Dostoevsky's writing over the years, I am pretty sure he never used one sentence for anything when five or more would do. He was a Russian author and so very long winded. My shorter than normal American attention span hated every word I ever read of his. Not his fault. That is on me.

All this points up there is no relief from the constant barrage of bullshit used by various groups, cultural, political and religious, to make their points and push their agendas. Truth relying on facts no longer matter. Whoever is the loudest, the most over the top and tells the baldest lies gets the lion's share of the limelight.

It matters little that the Right has been the worst of the bunch, the Left does it also. And until we can bring some calm and sanity back to our interactions on the Web and out in the World, we will need to practice due diligence and check everything we read, hear and even see with our own eyes. 

Believe nothing.

Happy April Fools .......................................


It was easy to find a tune that fit my attitude towards the Internet and all that it contains right now. I googled, "music about bullshit". My second listen was the Dune Rats wonderfully anarchistic tune, "Bullshit". As much as I know I would probably not live through the recording party that ended up as a video, I would so much like to have been there. Defintiely brought back memories, good and bad from back in the day when I was often both good and bad. Again it is a tune best enjoyed at WOW.


The Blog Fodder said...

I waded through Dostoevsky's shortest book, "Poor Folks" and started The Brothers Karamazov. Got three chapters in and gave it up. Will try others before I die.
The right is certainly terrified of anything that even appears to challenge their position on top of the patriarchal world. They talk about cancel culture but their list of things they want to cancel is quite long. They talk about pedophiles and groomers but the list of known Republican sex offenders, perverts and enablers runs into the hundreds.

yellowdoggranny said...

I tried..............many times I tried...I r not smart enough.