Monday, April 17, 2023

Audiovisual Cornucopia

Recently on Facebook, I find myself watching more and more of those short videos. They can really suck me in. Thousands and maybe millions of them are created daily by amateur and pro filmmakers that break down slices of Life into a 30 second video bites that suit our new 30 second attention spans.

Everything one could think of and not think of shows up on these video threads. The short films can tug the heartstrings, make us laugh, piss us off, and make us say "Far Fucking Out". I never know what the next video will be about.

This "Saving a Baby Bear" video is a perfect example of the arbitrary subject matter of the videos streamed. It combines a comedy with tug of the heartstrings undertones, resulting in a happy ending for all. A feel good piece for sure.

I have been introduced to creatures I never even knew existed; been fed new information regarding creatures I knew existed, but under a different spotlight. There's been accident moments caught on camera, Good Cop, Bad Cop videos and then there's the out of this World, never in a million years would I have considered it, if I had I not seen it in one of these videos.

It views like a crazy person's out of order visual encyclopedia. Often, I have to fight the urge of losing myself in the audiovisual cornucopia.

I have been online since those early days in the1990s when we paid a lot of money per minute for access to the World Wide Web. It only took me a New York minute to understand I will never understand nor be able to imagine all the possibilities of a World interconnected as this planet has become.

Seems lately though, I tend to focus more on the negative the Internet has dropped into our lives than the opposite. I know full well the Internet's positives probably outweigh the effects of the Evil that lurks around every corner and under every nook and cranny in the ether. Good, Bad or Ugly. The World Wide Web is a good reflection of what Humanity is in all its triumphs and its downfalls. (352 )

Later Gator ...............................


The first song to pop into my head was "Video Killed the Radio Star", by the Buggles. It was the frist music vedeo aired by MTV in 1981.  I watched it later that year with a co-worker on a lunch break in his Biddeford aparrtment. The tune has stood up to Time pretty damn well. Just this lyric keeps it in my mind: ..............

"We can't Rewind, we've gone too far"


El Cerdo Ignatius said...

Long overdue greetings to you, Mr Macrum.

I have thought about you over the last year as I've done a few road trips which have taken me down I-95 through Maine and into New Hampshire - not too far from your neck of the woods, if I remember correctly. And yes, it took me a number of months to actually get around and sit down and visit your blog and write this note. Some things - specifically my laziness, poor correspondence habits, and procrastination - never change.

I am happy to see you're still writing regularly. I've quite lost the habit myself but fancy the idea of getting it back... or at least some of it back.

I hope you and everyone you love are well. Cheers!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Social media can suck you in.
Coffee is on and stay safe.

The Blog Fodder said...

I love those short videos too. They are fun, educational and time wasters as you say. I forward appropriate one to some (and inappropriate one to Jackiesue and others. I need something useful to do.