Thursday, April 06, 2023


use Blogger for the structural set up of my blog. I know there are better, more hip platforms out there, but well, Blogger supplies me with more than I need. When I set this all up in 2004, all I wanted was to replace the many partially filled spiral notebooks and occasional scraps of paper I was using to archive my knee jerked thoughts and concerns.

Blogger gave me exactly what I wanted. As I began to waste megabytes on a regular basis, I learned that Blogger was more than just a publishing machine and archive. Most of the extraneous features available I had no interest in at the beginning, yet now I have a passing interest in some.

Creating this blog gave me a platform upon which I became what I wanted to become - a better writer. I make no claims of even being a mediocre writer now, just a better writer than when I began the blog. Of the over 1600 posts I have published, some people found my drivel good enough to at least read, while some even took the time to comment. Comments are like gold in the blogging world as well as any other interactive platform out there.

On the Dashboard page, which is where everything starts on a Blogger Blog, all the features and tools are listed in a sidebar. If used as proposed, a blogger can track visits, organize comments, monitor the traffic and even give the blog a makeover whenever one wants. As basic as a Blogger Blog is ompared to other blogging platforms,  a Blogger blog can be a virtual rabbit hole of infinte volume.

The only sub surface section I really have any interest in is the Comments section.It breaks down Comments into three parts:

  • Comments "Awaiting Moderation"
  • Comments "Published"
  • Comments designated as SPAM
In the SPAM section I can go through the comments to check that they were indeed SPAM. I check this every so often, maybe once a month. I then decide for myself what was SPAM and what was not; just like Email accounts.

The SPAM file has only ever had at most, maybe ten, eleven comments any time I checked. This morning, 99 comments appeared out of the Internet Ether, some missing 16 years. All in all, Blogger actually does a fair job here. I always find one or two solid comments that had been misdirected and ended up in the SPAM can. It is a small price to pay versus so many spam comments weeded out. 

Besides the pain in the ass drudgery of going through 99 comments, having them out there lost in the betwix and between fog between designated points of contact all those years reinforces up the contradictions of Human Tech. Anything we humans took part in creating will never be perfect. We can only reach for perfection. It will always be just out of reach.

Keep it 'tween the ditches ..............................


Yesterday, I found this often irritating one hit wonder from back in the day. It has absolutely nothing to do with the post. .............. So what?  Please enjoy, uh... or at least grin briefly as you listen to "They're Coming to Take Me Away", a tune that topped out at #8 in the Top Ten in 1966. It created quite a bit of controversey at the time. In some areas, complaining parents caused it to be yanked from the local station's play list. I was 14. I thought it was a hoot. But be advised ...... It certainly won't pass the AR* PC standards of today.

* "AR" - Anal Retentive


Kulkuri said...

That song was a favorite with a lot of people when I was in basic training and tech school in Amarillo, TX.

The Blog Fodder said...

I am torn between the need to approve all or none. I seem to have lost my troll from Ukraine so am back to no approval needed. It still sorts out a few as spam. I like Blogger as a base as I don't have the need or smarts to use some of the higher tech platforms.

yellowdoggranny said...

I remember when I first started blogging here(before I started doing the meme and before everyone left)I would get 30-50 comments on each post..I probably have more readers now but less committing.
oh yes, Dr Deminto...miss him.