Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Women and the Bible

I have been trying to get back up to some kind of writing speed after a month long furlough. Started and did not complete more than a few posts, long comments and extra involved meaningless drivel. 200 hundred words or so in, I would run out of steam or decide that my ego did not need this kind of stroking, so I would smoke another doob and watch Perry Mason on the tube instead.

And then we entered the religious season that comes during the showers and flowers of April. Rather than follow the logical flow or annual rebirth that happens every Spring for everthing else under the SUN, this holy event celebrates and neatly ties up the oh so believable tale of a man born of a virgin who died even more believably on a cross and then 3 days later clawed his way out of the grave to be resurrected, and flown first class to somewhere out there in a nether world we cannot see. With this annual celebration of death by Crucifixion, my anti-religious hackles always begin itching to be free again. 

I have mellowed tremendously over the years. I don't get as wound up as I used to. If people want to idolize an idea that is nothing but a mealy mouthed collection of excuses for treating others poorly, then hey, who am I to complain? I have successfully shut them out for the most part....finally.

Then this Facebook meme I found about women in the Bible rekindled my flame some. After all, I am a card carrying limp wristed gay loving pink commie loser unicorn molesting progressive. I can only resist the low hanging fruit the Bible offers for so long. It only makes sense. Right? Hell, if I was a Winger, I would not have even noticed this meme because I would be too busy trying to find snicker worthy meme's that own the Libs and put them in their rightful place. Nothing brings a smile to a Winger face than owning a Lib by breakfast. Even if the Libs don't get it, as long as they do, that is all that counts. Right?

So we have this book purported to have been created through conversations with a god by holier than thou advocates thousands of years ago. And ever since it seems none of the rules have changed, only the versions of this made up Truth have. The lack of updates has created some difficult images and rules to continue to justify as coming from on high. Apparently Slavery is still found to be okay within the pages of the Bible. So is the killing of children and disobedient housewives. 

Of all the targets for God's wrath that are found in the Bible, specifically the Old testament, it seems errant women are at the top of the list, beginning in Genesis with Eve enticing Adam to take a bite of the apple God told them not to nibble on. Apparently it was as difficult back then to keep those crazy ladies under control as it is today.

I think one good argument that the Bible is a book of bullshit would be the implication that our chauvinistic god is a smart god. If he was so smart, why did he even give women brains? Seems to me it might have been a whole lot easier if he made women mindless birthing machines who could cook and clean. Lettin them think about lower deck status only asks for trouble. If he really is the good ole boy rifle rack mental giant his advocates contend, then he screwed up big time. What a maroon.

But no, the solution in the Bible was turning women into property. They are stoned to death for  laying with men not their husband, while in many cases, the man ends up paying someone 50 shekels and gives someone not clearly identified a donkey and their wanton ways are given a free ride. 

Bottom line is just  like I cannot understand how any American woman can be a card carrying Republican, I find it even more difficult to understand how any woman, American or otherwise, can embrace a religion that supports women being considered nothing but child bearing, house keeping chattel. It really does boggle my mind. I have caused myself head cramps thinking about it. 

But then I take some breaths. I remember that our world exists mostly on incongruity and not common sense. I realize we would rather struggle and make Life tougher for anyone else except ourselves. I will remember that self gratification and sexual dominance is our stock in trade. And suddenly it all makes sense again. 

Evolution takes some time and we are not even infants yet.

Later Gators .......................................


I picked a song that reinforced the lessons my mom pounded into my head about women. If memory serves it was my first lesson outside the home when I heard it in 1967. I was 15. Respect by Aretha Franklin: this is a version from a concert in 1991.


yellowdoggranny said...

republican women should be forced to wear long dresses to their ankles, hats covering their heads, only speak unless spoken to and obey their husbands at all times..all the fucking time...lets see how long that lasts..sigh...sing it Aretha...sing it..

One from Ukraine said...

My thought about that resurfacing event.

There IS that word -- that befor Ascent, that guy GAVE to his fallowers knowledge of all languages and provess to preach among all people of the Earth...
so, why only Latins and Greeks was bestowed with that preaching???

I even do not talk about Maya and Aztecs here. :)))

Is this mean that "blessing" of that gay is that miserly???

One from Ukraine said...

\\religion that supports women being considered nothing but child bearing, house keeping chattel. It really does boggle my mind.

Oh, why?
While that is so damn simple.
That time when our fems was told to be "nothing but child bearing, house keeping chattel"... that same time, simultaneously, man was prescribed to be nothing but herd-caring, mud-ploving machines... as well as stone carving and pulling... and especially iron stick pircing and been pirced.
And that was much much less pleasant then being house-dwelling tool.

MRMacrum said...

yellowdoggranny - You seem as confused as I am regarding women in the Bible.

One from Ukraine - First of all the primary problem with the opinions stated in the OT regarding women is not so much the status assigned to women, but that the OT in the Bible considers women as things to own like cows, pigs and chickens. It was never right regardless of what was hip at the time. And this god who supposedly sanctions this kind of activity should never have been placed on a pedestal and prayed to on bended knee in the first place. Yet, here we are still dealing with assholes using a book of bullshit to justify their bad behavior.

Then there is the unwillingness of the flocks and their sanctimonious elders to adjust the lessons of the Bible to reflect the changing views of Humanity as we try to climb out of our species wide ingrained stupidity.

One from Ukraine said...

\\...but that the OT in the Bible considers women as things to own like cows, pigs and chickens.

Well, not things -- animals. And we A animals. Whatever anybody can think about it.
We need to be fed, we need to be protected, we need to be... ehm, herded.

Well, we also informational being, that need access to information and freedom of our minds...

But still, we need former problems to be firmly resolved, before later even can be started to be resolving.

And that is very first test we need to pass with flying colors to brag about our success in brawl with that monster of enormous S.

peppylady (Dora) said...

There all or it seems majority of people in bible is nuts.
Coffee is on and stay safe.

One from Ukraine said...

\\There all or it seems majority of people in bible is nuts.

Except J guy. J it seems is a smart-ass and trickster of level god. :-)