Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Randal just commented on my previous post.  He insisted that our new anthem should be this one.  I cranked it up and tried to give it the serious consideration it should have.  After all, Randal and his opinions carry with them some heavy weight.  Unfortunately I just cannot see this tune catching on with the folks who are buttoned down, wing tipped and hang out outside church networking on Sundays.  Besides at 9 plus minutes long, it would be a tough sell to 70,000 screaming football fans prior to kick off.   Sadly, as much as I enjoy Metallica, I still think "America the Beautiful" should be the national anthem. 

In the meantime as the tune punishes my auditory nerves,  I open my comments section and notice that  Anonymous visitor #48 dropped by over to "Wingers with Woodies".  It boggles my mind that a post over 2 years old still gets hit up with visitors.  It truly is the post that keeps on giving.  My latest visitor commented that it was typical of a libtard to moderate posts and limit his free speech.  I am still chuckling over the irony of that notion.

And one more time I have bunched some right winger panties.  It is indeed a good day.



yellowdoggranny said...

don't you love it when you strike a nerve?

Randal Graves said...

Proof that my country can beat up your country.

The only commenting I get on years-old posts are from Russian spambots.

BBC said...

I can't vote for it, not into that kind of music.

Us monkeys are the only species on this stupid rock that thinks we need anthem's, so ask Willy to come up with one.

Mr. Charleston said...

I don't even have to listen to it. Metallica is enough for me to shit can it.

Unknown said...

I usually try to avoid a) Politics and b) Religion on my blog. I was raised in a family that operated drinking establishments - and the one hard and fast rule in our house was "Don't Start one, Don't Sustain one, and if you can - Change The Subject". Of course, this rule related to discussion of Politics and religion, because it had been noted in the past that these conversations invariably deteriorated into rancorous debate and bottle throwing.

You, on the other hand, seem to know no such constraints. Well Done.

Kulkuri said...

I guess some people think they should be able to spew their bullshit everywhere unhindered, but heaven forbid someone with the opposite view be allowed the same right!! The fact that you posted the comment shows you allow FREEDOM OF SPEECH!! And in your own house no less!!

All comments on old posts get moderated on my blog. Usually what I get on old posts are spam.