She popped up on my radar this morning courtesy of Foil Hats Unite. North Country Liberal had linked a post to Alter Net which was highlighting the most outrageous Right Wing quotes of 2009. The list seemed endless. Homophobic, racist, politically untenable combinations, and contradictory frothing from the mouths of the far Right.
And though it is old news now, I just discovered the interview she did back in November on the Hannity Show. The discussion focused on why Obama Man was not calling the Ft Hood shootings a "terrorist" act. Mingled into the this conversation Ms Perino claimed there had never been any terrorist act committed on US soil during her former boss' reign.
My question is this. If she refuses to consider the 9/11 attacks and the Anthrax by mail as terrorism, how can she expect Obama to consider the Ft Hood shootings terrorism? Unless of course she conveniently forgot or never got the memo that her previous boss was indeed in charge in September of 2001 and then also in office months later when some bonehead started firing off angry letters filled with Anthrax.
This slight mistake was corrected the next day with a quote she gave over Twitter - "Last night on Hannity, I obviously meant no terror attack on US post 9/11 during Bush 2nd term. We have the tools. Just need to use them."
No Ms Perino, it was not obvious. You said what you said. You did not look distracted, disheveled or stressed. And even if you did indeed mean Dubya's second term, does that somehow negate and thus relegate 9/11 as meaningless for the discussion. You do not get to set your own parameters and then offer them as facts. Uh...wait a minute. Hmm, I guess you folks on the Right do. But every time you do, you reinforce feelings in many of us that any time one of you opens your mouth, most likely lies presented as facts will be the result. While this tactic may indeed be useful in keeping your slack jawed minions in line, it is hardly a tactic that is likely to draw in new recruits.
But forget your obvious lie, what again caught me was that Hannity never called you on it. He acted as if you never said it. Too caught up in the moment I guess. A shapely blond Winger next to him and all he could think of was his Wingin Woody.
And so, down the drain goes my almost resolution to remain politics free in 2010. I hope you are happy now Mr. North Country Liberal.
I have been trying for several years now to establish one Right Wing mouthpiece that personifies the most outrageous collection of Winger mantras out there. Reading this collection of quotes I thought would make the chore easier. But it did not. I was however able to add to the list of nominees. Ms Perino, I now have my eye on you.
Sorry Mr Crum, I made the same effort to detach from political blogging when I returned after a month in the wilds in August to find they were still talking about health care. Maybe, just maybe, political blogging is like dark chocolate; good for you in small amounts, but can drive you crazy if you over do it. Happy New Year just the same.
I like the shiner in her mug shot.
Very classy! :D
If we lived out in the country off the grid would we really care about any of this?
Hell no, that's why I go camping a lot, to get away from it all. None of it is fucking around in my yard and shitting on my porch so I wonder why I should get worked up about it all.
"I have been trying for several years now to establish one Right Wing mouthpiece that personifies the most outrageous collection of Winger mantras out there."
Talk about an impossible task!!
Um, Bush inherited 9/11, where the hell have you been?
Hannity, and many people associated with his show have a nasty habit of "stretching" or "altering" the truth. Jon Stewart caught them showing a tea party rally from an earlier event that was attended by far more people. Hannity played it off the next night and got smug over how it was a "simple mistake".
To a certain extent I believe this behavior is because they are scared over the coalition that rallied to elect Obama. The demographics years down the road only get worse showing the current incarnation of the national republican party dying and becoming a regional party mainly from the South.
This picture is an obvious fake, first of all her DOB is not 63 it's 72 and secondly you can tell the head doesn't sync up with the body well. I understand your opinions but the photo is CLEARLY disception.
If only life and the world at large were as simple as some people seem to think. Can't believe I wasted my time reading this post. I'll let you get back to your "us and them" world view. Sweet dreams.
I write this comment 6 months after I wrote the original post. It seems this post and one other have tripped some search engine somewhere and recently I am getting more than a few negative responses to the post. I am going to leave two up, one of which is from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. The two represent very well the overall disatisfaction of what I wrote.
First of all - to anonymous - I never indicated the image was real. Second of all, if all you have is to whine about the image without rebutting the content, then have a nice day and thank you for stopping by.
To Scultore - What I can't believe is that you wasted your time commenting. But thanks for swingin by.
You never indicated the image was real? Should we then assume, wisely I think, that the rest of the "stuff" on your blog is likewise unreal?
Anonymous - You may assume whatever you wish. As can anyone else who decides to swing by.
Just as you and the liberals state that the economy is ALL the fault of Bush and the republicans. Even though it has been well over a year that Obama has been in office. The stimulus and all of the taxes that have gone up have done nothing to help.
Then the 9/11 attack did not happen with Bush, but rather Clinton who allowed the terrorist to become brazen in this country.
APK - I would like you to show me where I laid blame completely on the Right, Bush, and the Republicans. Our lousy situation was the result of 40 years of too cozy a relationship between the Feds and Big Business. Both parties had their hand in what we have now. But ultimately the blame should be shared by all US Citizens. We elected the idiots that allowed the idiots on Wall Street to get out of control. You want to blame someone, save some for yourself and I will do the same.
Bush did not let 9/11 happen. No one let it happen. Blame for that is on the shoulders of the murdering scum who planned it and those who carried it out. We were just caught off guard. Clinton certainly was not to blame if we use the twisted logic of the Right when they are looking to excuse the excesses of their own leadership.
So get a flipping clue before you fling accusations around. All this blame crap is getting tiresome. From both sides. But if it makes you happy though - hey - go for it.
She misspoke. Seems to work for others.
anonymous - Misspoke? Possibly. But her follow up explanation did not support your contention. She said she "obviously meant" something else. If she had misspoke, then why not just say that and be done with it?
Unfortunately, the photo was taken nine (9) years BEFORE Ms. Perino was BORN! Nice try.
Anonymous - Imagine my glee at the panty bunching you flounders are experiencing over an image I never indicated was factual. And then imagine my glee at the hypocrsy yours and others comment show as many of your brothers in arms believe the crap being spread about Obama's birth place and his reigion.
Goose and Gander comes to mind.
Would someone please explain the date shown on the "mugshot board" 2-3-63. Dana Perino was born in 1972, so how can this be a photo of her
Anon - I never indicated it was a real image of her. So I feel no obligation to explain anything. Because I consider her one of the many hacks from the Right who have played fast and loose with the truth over the last 20 years, I figured an untruthful and unflattering image of her was kind of reaping what she has helped to sow in this country.
you never implied any thing about your is honest, so ill assume its all crap.
You spew unadulterated garbage, nothing but an incoherent rant in the absence of rational thought. The O man will make his exit in '12 and you will have more ammo for your hate speech.
Although Dana is a right wing hack, she is an attractive woman, unlike the shrilling skank on our side of the fence.
Damn I love this post. It's the post that keeps on giving.
anonymous #6 - assume away my firend, assume away.
anonymous #7 - Maybe you would prefer the coherency of anonymous #6's response better. It seems it has not been adulterated yet.
commiepinkthing - Well of course how telegenic they are is of huge importance.
Just for the record folks, I have mutual disdain for both parties. It's just that over the past so many years, the Right has taken the Sleaze of politics and elevated it to a new high. And what kills me is the rank and file of both do not seem to care what their own party does, just what the other party does.
By the looks of his pic Mr. Macrum is really Mr. Macscum. Why the hell don't you take a long shower and shave and clean up? And while you're at it wash your mouth out with Lysol. Your politics are twisted, and besides needing to clean up your brain is badly misguided.
Anonymous # infinity - Thank you so much for weighing in with your insightful and on point comment. It is comments like yours that reinforce my reason for living.
Your words are as false as your picture.
Put it out there and then try and distance yourself from it? Typical liberal left hateful thankful I woke up, faced the reality of it, and moved on.
Anonymous number whatever - My words are as false as my picture?
Well okay. Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to stop by.
Jackie - Where did I distance myself from anything. Just because I think the Right has lost control of itself does not mean I think that highly of the Left. You either/or folks are a real hoot, you know that? The fact that Life is black or white, Right or Left to many of you on both sides is half the reason our country is floundering so much. And you think you have woken up? Yeah right.
Fortunately beliefs and comments like yours and so many other tree hugging liberals are laughed at now. You guys got by with it for a long time but now most people realize how flawed the liberal ideology is. And as far as the Photoshopped image that you have posted, I guess you thought no one would validate it which is very easy to do. Your creditability like most liberals is totally zero and most people laugh at you and your lies/beliefs.
And another anonymous caller swings by. Who are these manly masked nancies packin hard ons for the cause with their macho posturing and in your face style? They tell me I am a loser liberal and they laugh at me - Ho ho ho. Gee it really hurts when morons laugh at me. I so much want to live up to their expectations. Sadly, I own my opinions unlike they who are so fortunate to have their opinions spoon fed to them so they do not have to think for themselves.
And once again another misguided fool from the Right hemisphere fails to notice that no where did I indicate the image was real. All I wanted to do was bunch up a few panties. Like fluttering moths to a light, this post still attracts them over a year later and I am rewarded with another one of them getting an Internet wedgie.
Thanks so much for stopping by. And please, stop by again.
Did you notice the date on the photo? It was taken in 1963 and Perino was born in 1972! Obvious fake
William - Did you notice I never once insinuated or said the photo was indeed real? I understood it was a fake. I was trolling. Apparently I used good bait.
LMAO She was taking about the term when she was press secretary. Idiot!
Dan, Dan .....Dan - Had Ms Perino stated that little fact during her initial bogus claim instead of waiting over 24 hours to "clarify" and spin the remark to fit the actual facts, I might admit you were onto something here. Sadly, the only idiot here is you for either not noticing the time difference or conveniently allowing it to not matter. You have a nice day now.
what she said was "TERM"... not both terms in office. George Bush served two terms equalling eight years. His second term where she served him as the press secretary there was not an attack. Love how ignorant people take one thing and twist it into something that has no relevance.... lol she said his term not his whole time in office so yes his second four years she was correct...
Anonymous - Thank you for the history lesson. What she said is on record. What she meant at the time can only be known to her. But I would say that if she had meant Dubya's second term, she should have said that. But she didn't and now we will never know. All we have is the record of the actual comments. Frankly I just do not care, but apparently many of you out there still do.
Like many people, you claim to recognize that both political parties are to blame for our national problems.
Like most of those same people, you reserve your vitriol for only one half of the political spectrum.
Frankly, Dana Perino is easier to look at than you (....but perhaps you faked your own photo too?) and quite intelligent.
As for people who mislead us, look in the mirror if you can stand it.
No hugs,
Jerdaggit - Well now. I do appreciate your comment.You make some valid points. But I wonder. Are you looking in the mirror also? And frankly I could not care less if Perino is easier to look at than I am. Her looks have nothing to do with what she said. But apparently they matter to you.
If you're going to defame Ms. Perino, at least photoshop a picture with one that wasn't made nine years before she was born!
Guessing by your "crotch face" beard you have not been with a woman in many many years and this is why you post fake photos and attack good people.
Brooklyn Blood - Thanks for the hint. But I just poached the already doctored photo from some site somewhere. Boy you folks on the Right sure have skin that is easy to irritate.
Anonymous - Well now. Crotch Face? I will assume that is a compliment as you have no idea how popular I am with the ladies. But thanks for stopping by and being a stand up commenter instead of one of those folks who hide behind, uh wait a minute, I bet your name is not really "anonymous". You had me going there for a second.
How do you know a liberal is lying? Answer - when their lips are moving! Those on the left have no class, none, nada, zip. Your blog is just another pile of garbage designed to appeal to the senseless mob. You are in a word - pathetic.
Dana Perino has more class in one strand of her blonde hair than you and those like you could ever hope to accumulate in your pathetic lifetimes.
Ugh, you all make me so sick. WHy don't you all fly down to Cuba and hang out with your fellow leftists. While you're there, check out the poverty, the homelessness, the depravity, and the helplessness. That's what the left would like to bring to the USA. While you're there, check out the void between the have's and the have-not's in Cuba. You bitch and whine about income gaps between the rich and the middle class here, wait til you get a load of the divide in your commie mate's backyard.
Food for thought, loser. While I will readily condemn you for your ignorance, Dana Perino never will. She has too much stuff for the likes of you. You don't deserve her benefit of the doubt.
Anonymous # ?? - How can you tell when a Winger is upset? When they write an off topic comment on a blog post that was written almost two years ago.
I am truly sorry you feel I am pathetic and a loser. You and my wife might just find some common ground.
I find it interesting that very few of the comments coming from folks of the right minded kind have been posted anonymously, without even so much as a name tagged at the bottom. Am I to assume in a stereotypical way like you have that all Wingers are cowards? No, I cannot assume that because not every Winger is a coward or a crack pot, or even out to lunch. But if it makes your day to think anyone who disagrees with your take is a loser liberal then be my guest. Whatever gets you through your day I always say.
Oh and by the way, thanks for swinging by.
I cant believe how pathetic this blog is. This is like listening to OWS participants trying to explain their understanding of our financial system.
I think this blog should be called "Lost in your own Mind"
american - I can't believe it either. But there it is. Just another pathetic blog amongst a sea, no make that an ocean of pathetic blogs. It must be a tough challenge to find one that lives up to your obviously high standards. Sorry I let you down. I will definitely have trouble sleeping tonight.
Thanks for swinging by and please have a safe holiday season.
Ah, hmmm,
anyhow, glad to see you have sense of humor.
I don't agree with politics, I am pretty conservative, I want the current administration which I supported at one time, to fold itself and tuck itself away.
I would like us all to agree that we cannot keep spending and think that someday our enemies - the bad guys - the real bad guys - won't slip in and take advantage of all our resources that we have tried to protect, such as timber, mineral, and water without so much as batting an eye at our environmental friends.
And I think this administration is a rehash of the Carter years except with stakes much higher.
We can all agree to disagree, but we must agree that the U.S.A. is in deep shite and we have to work hard and together to drag our arse out TOGETHER. Unfortunately, I think the ideologies are too far apart to get it together as we (not me I was too young)sang about in the 60s.
Sucks, yeah, but this pres is a nimrod with no ideas and we need ideas we can agree upon.
BTW the reason for the seemingly unending "anonymous" comments is because often a name doesn't seem to matter
Ralph - The only healthy way to deal with the stupidity I have witnessed on both sides of the aisle over the last 40 years is to have a sense of humor.
I am not happy with Obama Man either, but I gotta say, the Right is not fielding anyone I see as making things better. Just not spending is in no way going to resolve our problems. We need sensible governance and at this point neither side seems interested. Thanks for swinging by.
I notice all comments are moderated...
Typical of a libtard moron.... NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
Anonymous number take your pick - Actually you are Anonymous #15 on this post.
Your comment has to be the funniest one I think I have received on this post. Are you a regular over to the Freeper site? Sounds like it. You have the catch phrases down pat, while the content of your intellect flows in a shallow stream.
I do not have to support free speech in my own home. That I even allow losers who hide behind the cloak of anonymity to post at all would indicate that my blog actually leans in the direction of free speech. Next time you want to call someone a moron, maybe you ought to look in the mirror first and see what one really looks like.
But thanks for dropping by and leaving your insightful comment. And such a clever use of capitals to boot. Absolutely excellent.
Rorshach - Feel better now?
Thanks for swinging by.
Misquote, she was accurate in her statement, a failed analogy that somehow what she believes has any affect on Bozo's view, a poorly photoshopped, dishonest portrait and you're all for stifling free speech, which doesn't keep you from trying claim somehow you're for free speech. Free speech is not moderated. You state none of knew what was in her head when she said it, although I think it's pretty clear, yet you choose, arrogantly that YOU don't believe her explanation and yet you have some kind of hardon about some made up truth expiration if you don't dumb it down for the weak minded within this time frame that only lives within the fantasy of your special reality. I would have expected a disclaimer for the photo as it only works within a parody piece without one. That makes you dishonest, but anyone with half a brain cell can get that from this post alone. Most of this article is more about you than it is about Miss Perino. With all the ad hominem to wade through, it was a really tough read.
Roland - Quite a comment there guy.
I did not misquote her as I also posted the utube copy of her saying what she said. She may have mispoke. She could have straightened that out by saying she mispoke, but she did not. She stated that she felt it was obvious she meant his second term. It was not obvious and she should have admitted she just screwed up. End of story then.
Not sure why I have to answer accusations of not being for free speech regarding comments posted on my private blog. This is not a public park, forum, or town hall. My blog is a private place I allow visitors to visit.
I was only moderating this old post so I could respond to it when someone visited. I guess it's time to close the comments.
Keep it 'tween the ditches
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