Anyone who didn't see this coming must be a Trump supporter, uh well, stupid, dumb as a box of rocks, and nummer than a bag of pounded thumbs. Creating machines that can think independently and labor without human supervision has been a dream of many since Leonardo Da Vinci's days at the least.
Along with those fantasies of how much good A-I could do, the doomsayers and SciFi writers have told us all along:
"Be careful what we wish for".
I guess we still don't get it. All the warning signs are there. If we don't start considering the long term ramifications of out of control development of Artificial Intelligence, the negatives that have emerged so far might just later become the warning signs we wished we had paid attention to. But since Humans have an ingrained inability to think past the next bauble, fad, or cum in their pants climax dangled in front of them, I don't hold out much hope for us.
Which brings me to God, or at least the idealized idea of the Christian God that is so popular today.
To re-cap from my interpretation of the interpretations chiseled in Christian stones a couple of millenniums ago; God created us in his image.
( I love how saturated our culture is with constant reinforcement of the Patriarchal center of power over the planet that assumes God had to be a man. Why not a woman? Hey, maybe God was a hermaphrodite ..... Anyway, moving along...)
So, we were created in God's Image. That assumes God looks like us, or is it we look like God? Maybe this explains the keen interest in creating A-I that is housed in machines that resemble humans. Lord knows we are not happy with ourselves and from time to time think we could have turned out better......... Here is where I step off the rails some.... Okay, maybe more than some.
It might be that when God created us, all God wanted to do was build a better version of himself/herself/itself and the clown society he/she/it lived in at the time. If this is true and God considers what he/she/it created was a success, then what does that say about the culture he/she/it existed in?
When I look at God's creation of man in these terms, My opinion about the possibility of our existence being the result of efforts by a higher intelligence, well, that opinion takes a serious hit.
We are the best He/She/It could come up with? If so, God ain't much of a builder. I just hope we do a better job of building our replacements than God did. Because it sure seems like God blew it with us.
Keep it 'tween the ditches .............................
BTW - Just a small plug for the adult anime series "Love, Death & Robots" on Netflix. It is a series of short animated films by very creative people. Awesome stuff. 3 seasons so far. The image at the top comes from it.
There were many songs about Robots and many songs about God, but none I could find that included both. I settled on this Connie Francis song, released in 1960, titled "Robot Man" . The song is full of double entendre's.
The first two stanzas:
wouldn't it be funny is GOD was actually a female robot?????
My next read (fiction) is on A.I.
Coffee is on and stay safe.
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