Monday, May 08, 2023

White Winger Logic

Just in - Stewart Rhodes, convicted founding member of Oath Keepers wants leniency in the form of time served instead of the 25 year sentence the DOJ wants to hang on him. 

His claim for leniency is based solely on his efforts and "good works" in creating and leading the most patriotic 'Murican loving groups ever for the last 12 years.

Apparently, our ever so patriotic Rhodes must think nobody loves this country more than he does and maybe he should get a break because no one can love the USA more than he can.

His claim that the Oath Keepers are an organization dedicated to "good works" fails in light of what he and his clown team were just convicted of. Sedition is hardly looked upon as patriotic, unless of course it is successful, which these clowns were not.

There must be some Wingin Logic in there somewhere, but since I am nothing but an American hatin, limp wristed, Commie Pinko Libtard, I can never know the deep patriotic waters he swims in. To him and his ilk, I belong in the kiddie pool; or better yet not even here mucking up his Nationalistic wet dream.

Anyway, this excellent news for us and bad news for him makes my day. And because I am definitely full of hate for the GOP and everything to the Right of them, I hope he gets 25 years and becomes some convict's boy toy.

Today's Article in Rolling Stone

Keep it 'tween the ditches. ................................................


I had picked a song, a wonderful and heartfelt song that perfectly laid out why the USA is the greatest country on the planet............ But I couldn't do it without serious guilt. Because of the leadership we have chosen for ourselves over the last 50 years, we are nothing but the biggest banana republic in the world.

That being said, I fall back as I often do on an old favorite tune still as relevant today as it was in the 1990's when Green Day recorded it. Please play "American Idiot" loud and dance with wild or mild abandon; take your pick.


The Blog Fodder said...

It is indeed strange logic that these people consider themselves and are considered by others at patriotic. I hate the word.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I doubt they would give me any leniency, for any my free thinking thoughts.
Coffee is on, and stay safe.