Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Where Eagles Dare

Two days ago I had an interesting encounter with two juvenile Bald Eagles.

I was busy cleaning litter trays in front of the garage. A large shadow passed over me and I looked up just in time to see a juvenile Bald Eagle clear the eaves over the garage. I was just beginning to think;

"Hey, wasn't that....... " and another juvenile Bald Eagle followed the first one and disappeared over the roof.

Again, I had no time to gather a response when both of them flew back. One of the pair attempted to land on the steel roof over the living room. It failed to find any footing on the steel and began to slide down. A couple or so feet from the eave, a talon caught on a roofing screw and a few seconds of frantic wing flapping followed as it struggled to extricate its talon from the screw. Finally free, the young bird flew across Sam Page Road and settled on a branch near its sibling. They both hung awhile in the branches and then continued on their way.

Awesome.......... Really Awesome.

All in all, a very rare moment I had the honor of sharing with two fledgling Bald Eagles on what may have been their inaugural flight from the nest and the beginning of many flights to come. The only thing that would have made this moment better would be if I had my phone handy to capture the encounter on digital film,

Oh Well ............. I'm still a Lucky Man. Days like the other day prove it.

***Eagle image not taken by me.


Only one song would do for this post -  Steve Miller Band's, "Fly Like an Eagle" including the best intro ever to hear on Acid.

1 comment:

yellowdoggranny said...

we have a bunch of red hawks here and I watch then soar and swoop and soar all the time. I pull over to the side of the road and watch them and people laugh at me..their loss.