Monday, August 05, 2024

Proud to Be a Libtard

I discovered a new singer the other day. While watching YouTube videos, a jazzie number called, "Rich People" caught my attention. Right out of the gate, Carsie's pull no punches lyrics identified her as a kindred spirit. I immediately started to listen to her other offerings on YouTube. She uses politics as major inspirations for her tunes.

Her name is Carsie Blanton. She's from Luray, Virginia and she rocks.

I have gone through a few videos of hers and I would say half of them have strong political messages in them. My favorites so Far are "Ugly Nasty Commie Bitch" and "Rich People".

I was born into a family where both of my parents' ancestors were Republican going back to the party's beginnings. I was weaned on Republican policy and viewpoints. I was also weaned on the expectation that I should always make up my own mind, but be ready to defend myself if challenged. No quarter was given at the often heated political discussions that went down at the dinner table. I was often chewed up and spit out for offering an opinion. But by the time I hit twelve years of age, I could hold my own most days.

Real life events in my early years though nibbled away at that perfect happy existence we supposedly lived in. Alcohol, health issues, then witnessing humans being cruel to other humans in real time when we lived in Tallahassee, Florida set up my future as a Liberal. Watching my parents become disillusioned, not just with their political party, but with the country as a whole by the end of the 1960s pretty much cast my new direction in stone.

They were not surprised with my switch, nor was I vilified when I switched over to the Dark Side and registered as a Democrat when Ronald Reagan ran for President. My mom hated Reagan for what he did as governor to "her California".

I had been leaning Left for quite some time, but I often crossed over to the other Dark Side and voted for a Republican. I did that for years, actually voting for the person, not the party. That all changed in 2008 when Susan Collins reneged on her promise to only serve two terms as a Senator from Maine. Her whole campaign in 1996 was based on term limits. She promised at event after event, she would leave the US Senate after two terms. I don't believe in term limits, but she made a promise and then reneged and ran for a third term in 2008. She is still stinking up the Senate as I write this.

The Tea Party of the Right was in full swing in 2008. The writing was on the wall. I was sure of it. The party I grew up in was never going too be that party again. Defeating them became my one political goal. No matter who is running, never ever would I or will I vote for a Republican again. Since 2008, I have  done just that. 

The GOP has Cancer. The Cancer has metastasized and invaded every pore of the Republican Party. The few sensible Republicans that existed in 2008 have either succumbed to that Cancer or been ostracized and retired or been primaried out. Contrary to their lying rhetoric, the GOP no longer even pretends to represent the citizens of the United Sates. The GOP is now owned completely by rich and powerful private sector assholes. It's all about the Benjamins.

So here I sit at age 72. I have no regrets worth mentioning really. I certainly do not regret becoming a Libtard. I am proud of my conversion to progressive notions and ideas. I don't agree with all of them, but I know Progressives are not as self serving as the Right Wing is. The Left is more likely to put forward policies that help the nation over all and not just the petty selfish interests of mostly rich White people.

Later gators ....................................


Enough on politics already. Time for some music. With politics included of course.. Here is my new favorite artist, Carsie Blanton with her tune, "Rich People".


PipeTobacco said...

I was born into a strong Union-focused, Democratic family.

I feel like it is an “alternative universe” scenario these days when an unfortunate percentage of Union homes are stupid enough to vote for tRump. I am glad most Union folk know the Democrats are more on their side…… but the number of folks who were union members but had no common sense and voted tRump are unfortunately the major reason he won in 2016. I hope the outlook is different in 2024.


Ol'Buzzard said...

That's right, Rich People been fucking us all.
the Ol'Buzzard