Saturday, August 03, 2024

An Extrication

This meme passed by this morning on the "Opposing Views" group page on Facebook. 

I wasn't sure about this, so I ran it by my wife. We are now on our way to the ER to have her left foot extricated from my ass.

She apologized. Said the thought made her go off the deep end, So I asked if it was okay after all? She told me to pull over; she needed to add some emphasis to her earlier expression of displeasure.

Oh Shit. She's taking off her right shoe.

Hopefully I will recover soon. In the meantime ............

Keep it 'tween the Ditches .......................................


I also discovered a new (to me) musician who seems to draw much of her inspiration from the Political world. A woman after my own heart, Here is Carsie Blanton with her tune, "Ugly Nasty Commie Bitch". Enjoy.

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