Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Study in Contrasts

When Trump hit the political bricks in 2015 with his doom and gloom rhetoric about America and the sad shape he falsely claimed our country was in, I was puzzled at first. Then I was angry. Immediately I understood what his game plan was. Spreading hate was easier than spreading hope.

Sure, ever since 9 / 11, America seemed off it's game. We had been horribly attacked so we went to war and the following 15 years were filled with more war news, soldiers dying, soldiers coming home maimed and we once again were sucked into a situation there seemed no escape from. 

Yeah, we were not a happy country. But we were coming round until Trump opened his pie hole. Instead of using rhetoric that was positive and held out hope for our future, Trump seized on the negativity that permeated our collective soul and amplified it through never ending pessimism about America, Americans and where we were headed.

I knew he was wrong for our country then and the following 8 years proved me right. He has never stopped denigrating and hating America. His speeches now are even more hate filled than his doom and gloom sermonizing back in 2015. His "America and Americans Suck" schtick was new and fresh in 2015. Now it's like a sitcom that has been on the air way too long. The only idiots still hanging on his every word are the folks who love to hate and probably have wallowed in hate their whole lives. His covey of political opportunists are beginning to waffle in their full throated support of him. They are acting like nervous rats who think their boat may be sinking soon and are considering exit strategies now.

The image at the top is a screen shot I took of a "Morning Joe" segment while sipping coffee at the kitchen table yesterday morning. It beautifully represents the contrast between the two political parties at this point in time. The Democrats have climbed out of their funk and are back to business as the party of hope for the future, The Republicans are still wallowing like pigs in their hate filled sties created from dreams of a Past that never existed as they now remember that Past through their warped rose colored glasses.

No matter who you may vote for, please vote. Keep in mind that it is possibly a better idea that a vote be used with the Future in mind, not the Past. No matter what, we can never, nor should we want to, return to the Past.

Keep it 'tween the ditches .................................


Time for music. What to pick, what to pick? My mind is blank and clueless this A.M. ....Hmm......... Guess I need some headphones on and a few minutes chasing songs on the World Wide Web.

In a token effort to at least check the latest hip tunes, I allowed YouTube's "Trending" tune of the day to take up space in my computer. Limiting my musical choices to the music of my past is good and all, but that denies there is no "good" music out there and just comes off as another crotchety, old fart, get off my lawn knee jerk attitude. Over the last 10-15 years, I have discovered wonderful new music across all the genre's out there. Sure, most of it is shit. The same held true back in the day when music was what my generation thinks now was the best ever. Separating the chaff to find the wheat is how it has always been.

So, here is Teddy Swims wearing a suit, a tie and tats from head to, I assume, toe. The man has some serious pipes. Enjoy "I lose Control", a very good newish pop tune.

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