Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Lock Up the Librarians

Texas never seems to have a problem punishing a freedom. Ever since Governor Abbott polluted Texas State Politics with his Christian Nationalist terrorism, a state I actually liked at one time, is now lower on my visit list than even Florida. I have lived in both states and will now never go back to either.

Granby County, Texas constable, Scott London spent two years and filled out an 824 page criminal report while investigating the evil doings at school libraries in Granbury, Texas. Apparently, the officer was ready to bring criminal charges against 3 librarians for having 6 books on the shelves that he deemed as obscene. He also wanted the names of the students who checked them out.

He did say the librarians did not have to speak with him without lawyers, as the investigation was criminal and not administrative. They refused. The investigator filed his report with the local District Attorney. The DA refused to file charges, using a "lack of evidence" excuse. 

Now this may seem like good news. They dodged a bullet and were not taken into custody, handcuffed and processed like some petty criminal. Actually, this kind of "Big Brother" bullshit should scare the bejesus out of all of us. There are so many things wrong here, legally, politically, and most of all ethically. But this is the kind of activity a single person with minimal authority can feel emboldened enough to take part in once they feel they have the backing of the government.

Limiting what we can read is a cornerstone of a totalitarian society. It doesn't matter if that totalitarianism is waving a flag or carrying a cross. There is absolutely no justification for this kind of heavy handed bullshit.

I leave this here with a link to the NBC video. You can judge for yourselves.


To accompany this post, I chose Incubus', "Talk Shows on Mute". The big reason is besides the political message, is I just like the tune and have for years.


Bohemian said...

Texas has always been Odd, even back in the 70's I thought it was like it might be to be visiting another Planet and Beings so very different in so many ways I would not want to be exposed to. Never been to Florida, but along with the Weather disasters and Wildlife, the People would be perhaps the least of my concerns... but, I could be Wrong? *LOL*

Ami said...

Censorship is not the answer, unless the question is, 'what else can we do to keep people from learning?' My male parent had a lot of issues. Mental illness and some very odd ideas about raising children. But he got one thing right. I was allowed to read anything I wanted to read. Without limits.