Saturday, May 18, 2024

I'm Too Sexy for My Shirt

My headphones are on and plugged in. I have one of my long playlists on with the volume punched up to WOW. I think I am ready for what comes next. ...........................

Its been several minutes now and I am still waiting for the inspiration that usually comes to mind sooner than this.

I had a myriad of writing prompts on the tip of my brain not twenty minutes ago. Now they have retreated back into the shadows, the darker recesses, the back benches. All I have in mind now is a fuzzy screen with nothing on it. 

Hmm. ................. Okay, fuck it. Here is the one I have had in mind for a couple of days.

Song Lyrics

Along with the thousands and thousands of songs that have played through my mind over the years, I have definitely collected snippets of song lyrics I recollect for a variety of reasons. Some cause introspection. Some make me focus on the grander schemes of being human.. And some are just so good, I am amazed at the writing. But the ones that I remember instantly are usually the inane, silly, and funny lyrics.

The silly, just havin fun lyrics have been part of Music forever. From Spike Jones, a favorite of my father's, to "Purple People Eater" in the 1950s to "Hello Muddah, Hello Faduh in the 1960s; the list is endless. 

 Lately, I have been trying to tune out "I'm too sexy for my shirt", a line from "I'm too sexy" by Right Said Fred. I have never heard of this duo? And actually, I do not think I have ever heard the song from start to finish; as my first run through seemed totally new for me. I had definitely heard the lyric I am fixating on, but that would make sense since this post is about it.

This brings up another question for which I have a pre-recorded and pre-considered answer for. The lyric seems to fit rhythmically well into any song I choose. Just the right number of syllables, especially for a foot tapping tune.

With that said, I defy anyone to not tap their feet to this tune. 

Keep it 'tween the ditches .............................



Anonymous said...

It’s weird. Those are all lines from some off my favorite bands.

MRMacrum said...

Anonymous - Not sure what lines you are referring to.