Monday, May 06, 2024

Kumbaya ...... Yeah Right.

I was recently dressed down in a PM regarding my less than supportive words about Democrats. I won't mention any names, but they had a point. I am increasingly frustrated and angry by the Hillary mentality that seems to again be grabbing many Democrats by their short hairs. Many seem to think winning the White House this next November is a slam dunk: just as they did in 2016.

In the meantime, the chronic hand wringers in the Democratic party are afraid if we act with the same anger Republicans use to keep their base fired up, we have somehow become that which we hate. 

Maybe they are right. Maybe the Left is becoming as harsh and hard as the Right. Maybe that is exactly what the Left should do. When in a street fight, Kumbaya mentality doesn't cut it. The "can't we just get along" Democrats don't get it. The Right has no interest in "getting along". They are intent on burying liberalism and thus Democracy deep in some swamp somewhere.

It would seem many Liberals think the means is still more important the the ends. I would tend to agree , or at least I used to. The Right long ago adopted a "any means" approach to winning. The Left does not have to adopt the same policy, but they should stand up more and call out the Right for their evil, sleazy ways. 

The Left needs to lose the PC mentality when dealing with the Right. If a Winger is lying, call them liars. If a Winger is a hypocrite, call them a hypocrite. Pound these jerks hard with language average people understand. No more using terms like "misinformation". No more using terms like "our esteemed colleagues on the Right". If we think they are being assholes, call them assholes. Americans understand and respect bald faced anger better than the pussy footing anger that is so popular with the politer Left. The time for gratuitous civility is over. The Left needs to give as good as it gets.

The Right wants to destroy liberalism in this country. That is currently their stated goal. We should believe them. What we should NOT be doing, is constantly holding out our hands trying to win them over. The Right has decided that this is the time to finally put liberalism on the dust heap of history and beckon in a new era of world wide autocracies that serve the few over the many.

That does not mean everyone on the Left needs to be an asshole. What it means is we need attack dogs; people who have big mouths and can talk to the GOP base in the simple words they can sometimes understand. Talking above them is seen as an insult. We need pols who get in their face. That seems to be what they admire the most.

Bipartisanship should not be lost; only tabled until the liberal movement re-establishes itself  as a worthy foil to the worst tendencies the Right is currently championing. The way back for the Left is doing a better job than the Right and making sure America knows about it. The "speak softly'" garbage the mainstream Left favors is not working. 

In Politics, nice guys more often than not lose the high ground while fooling themselves winning is not as important as how the fight is managed. The Left needs to consolidate and push as hard on the Right as the Right is pushing the Left. The time for Kumbaya moments should be put on pause until such time the Right has become sufficiently humbled enough so they return to the playground and play nice again.  

America is a country full of angry, unhappy people. Everyone, Right and Left, are primed and ready to blow. Allowing the Right to drive the messages is a recipe for disaster. The Democrats need to stop their petty infighting and offer a united front at least for the foreseeable future until the Right is soundly defeated or if by some miracle, they rein in their current idiocy of their own accord.


I could feel the pressure. My ability to hold my tongue on anything political has a very short rope. But I feel better now. 

Keep it 'tween the ditches .......................................


Nine Inch Nails recorded this tune in 1989. It is certainly more pertinent today that it was then. Or maybe it is still as pertinent as it was then. Anyway, here is "Head like a Hole"

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