Thursday, May 30, 2024

Jeff Daniels

I first remember seeing Jeff Daniels in the movie, "Dumb and Dumber" back in the 1990's. Because I am a fan of comedy throughout most of its spectrum, I enjoyed the film, but not enough to purposefully see it again or place it on some personal "best of" list in my brain. I wrote Jeff off as a one trick pony and forgot him.

About a decade ago, Jeff popped up in the movie "Looper". I realized then, this guy has some acting chops. He wasn't just a sidekick to Jim Carey. That is when I began checking out his other efforts on the screen, big and small.

Much to my surprise, the man is one hell of an actor. His range is every bit as wide as Tom Hanks, Nathan Hale, and Robin Williams. I can't say he is better or worse, just that he can act through a comedy. a drama, and action films with equal ease. I guess it is true that making the jump from comedic acting to serious drama is easier than the other way around. My current favorite rolls he played in are "American Rust" and "The Newsroom". The opening scene in "The Newsroom" is awesome as Jeff tears down some wide eyed innocent coed in front of a large audience. It is awesome.

In my quest to catch up on Jeff's movies and TV series, I have come away truly impressed. He has an everyman quality that shines through on all the films and shows I have seen him in.  Just today, I discovered Daniels is also a damn good musician also. Reportedly he has written over 450 songs and after the video I saw, he is a decent singer and guitar player. No Billy Strings or Hendrix mind you, but he knows how to pick.

So without further ado, if you haven't seen this side of Jeff, I would like to introduce you to Jeff Daniels, guitar picking fool who not only can write the songs, he can sing them also. 

Keep it 'tween the ditches ........................................


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