Wednesday, May 29, 2024


I haven't written any flash fiction in quite awhile. So I came up with the following 125 word piece for a weekly challenge site I used to visit regularly. Not sure where it came from; probably the result of current affairs stewing in my brain.


During the run-up to this most recent eclipse, I wondered if finally ,the Rapture, End of Days folks had finally found the right date that would end it all.

That day I was gratified at exactly 3:30PM when I glanced out of the kitchen window and spotted Donald Trump, of all people, floating up into the air. His back was to me, but I could tell by his outstretched arms he was blessing us as he rose to the heavens.

“Bless his Heart”, I thought and even worked up a tear.

Just then my next door neighbor stomped up my driveway. He looked perturbed. But then he always looked perturbed.

He squinted and side eyed me suspiciously.

“Have you seen my Trump blow up doll?”


And though the Faithful got it wrong one more time; the odds have to tip their way at some point. For Christ's sake, keep the faith and eventually you will find yourself in a long line at the Pearly Gates waiting to get in.

People raise you hands, let the glisten in your eyes turn to tears. This song will lift those spirits that have been languishing in the squalor of Evil that has overrun the Faithful and turned all the Fallen into Devil worshipping Heathens. Turn that volume up, here is the Triumph Quartet with their rendition of that great Rapture tune - "When the Rapture Comes My Way".

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