Friday, February 02, 2024

"I'll Take the Mean Tweets"

In the midst of a "Bash Trump" segment on MSNBC one morning, host Joe Scarborough was on his high horse denigrating Trump while at the same time whining about how his heroes, Ronald Reagan and the Bush father and son duo would be so ashamed of what their and his old party has become.

First of all, Reagan was a useful idiot who helped to commit treason and both Bush's got us into wars totally by manipulation and fabricating lies. I suspect, that if they were still in politics, they would fall in behind Trump just as the current GOP leadership today has. It has been a time honored tradition for the GOP to put their thirst of power and fealty to corporate oligarchs before any other minor consideration like well, the country for example. Yeah, the Democrats also suffer this character flaw, but not to the degree the GOP does.

This morning the Bash Trump segment had Joe bringing up many of the increasingly ugly and nasty tweets Trump has posted on social media. Joe went through all this to point up a recent comment made by Senator Mike Lee of Utah who was quoted:

I just endorsed Donald Trump. Whether you like Trump or not, Americans face a binary choice. Biden refuses to enforce our border, prosecutes his opponents, & embraces policies that make life unaffordable for hardworking Americans. I’ll take the mean tweets. I choose Trump.

Joe followed up by noting some of the too numerous to count low points of Trump's presidency; his racist appeasing comments about the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, VA in 2018 and the comments he made in 2018 while in France rubbing shoulders with the big dogs of Europe. He refused to go to the WW l memoriam for American dead, calling the soldiers "suckers and losers" and besides he did not want to get wet. Joe continued with more, but his point was that Sen. Lee just does not get it, the whole leadership of the GOP does not get it that Trump is a very real threat to the country.

This "preaching to the Choir" schtick of Joe and Mika's is fine and dandy. It gives comfort to all the hand wringing Libtards that, despite their fears that everyone is out to ruin their latte infused mornings, there is someone still carrying the liberal cross, even if it is carried on the right shoulder now instead of on the left. 

I say this as a now Independent Libtard who has become disgusted with all the leaders, Right and Left. We have not been close to a healthy country since 911. For me, that is when I saw the USA I knew begin the ongoing swirl around the drain.

I will still vote and mouth off, but I do not have much confidence of seeing any of the "Old Normal" again in my lifetime.

Keep it 'tween the ditches ............................................


Today I continue to pick from the music of John Prine; actually from the music of his first album with the catchy title, "John Prine". Here is "Illegal Smile", a tune that was sure to be hit in every college dorm of the early 1970s. We rocked out to this song more than a few times in West Hall.

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