Tuesday, January 30, 2024

What Stupid People Do

I cannot understand why the issue of Climate Change is still under debate. Ever since the planet consolidated out of cosmic debris and began orbiting the Sun, climate has been under constant change as it adapted to the gyrations and upheavals that it took for the planet to become what it is today.

I know Climate Change / Global Warming is nothing but a political football used to defend old school technologies dependent on toxic deforesting energies. However, continuing to take the planet for granted, is not going change the reality on our mutual horizons.

It doesn't matter if humanity is at fault or not. It doesn't matter if what is going on is a "natural" change. What matters is that while we are still pissing on each other's shoes, the climate changes we find ourselves facing are real and gaining significant heads of steam.

The planet does not give a shit about our petty political fights. In a perfect world, we would figure out that over 60 years of dicking around placing or denying blame, we would finally stop the madness and work harder to deal with what is coming. But no, we still bicker like school children.

The fact is, our parasitic behavior and our insistence on shitting in our own nests, have caused dramatic changes in our environment. Most are permanent changes, some that are in danger may be salvageable. We either get busy figuring out how to adjust to the changes coming, or we are toast.

Yeah, this is surely a doom, gloom, and apocalyptical vision of our future. Better that than being a self-denying Polly Anna dancing around playing a fiddle and acting as if this too shall pass. 

But then maybe I should not care. Maybe I should just say:

"Fuck it, you dumb fucks deserve what's coming." 

Later .............................


No other song I can think of symbolizes better Mankind's sad and selfish abuse of the planet than John Prine's, "Paradise" .


peppylady (Dora) said...

Some people will debate anything.

MRMacrum said...

peppylady - The time for debate is long past.

The Blog Fodder said...

It is one thing to doubt the prognostications based on complex models which can never be complex enough to mimic the real thing. It is another to look out your window and see it happening. Successive droughts have endangered our cattle industry and our water supply. Northern Saskatchewan has lots of snow, southern has barely snow cover. December was the mildest for decades.
When I first moved to Ukraine, winters came with snow and temps in the -10C to -15C range dipping to -20C and -25C once in a while. The last few winters temps are mostly -5C and often melting so the snow was slushy or even gone. We had spring flowers trying to bloom in February .

The Blog Fodder said...

I love John Prine. Have sung that song inside my head many times over the years.
https://dablogfodder.blogspot.com/2017/01/paradise-kentucky.html My contribution to historic knowledge.

MRMacrum said...

Blog Fodder - For me, it all stopped being hypothetical back in the early 1990s. Winters began to change. Anyone who doeesn't see it now is ether willfully stupid or blind.

Yeah, I have been a John Prine fan since college in the early 70s. I too find myself singing/humming "Paradise" on occasion.