Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Harsh Cruel Winds

The Stench of a People's Fear - Revisited

Harsh cruel winds drive the stench of people’s fear, turning their terror into an anger that sweeps through the land, 
poisoning everything it touches.  Soap box heroes bellow mindless vitriol that drives a nation's bad temper to feverish and ill conceived conclusions.

No one cares what effect being angry for anger's sake might have on society once the winds of discontent have subsided.  No one seems to care that being afraid is the fertile ground where failure is sown.  No longer is there any interest in pragmatic solutions, just irresponsible blame.

The once vigorous pockets of common sense and sanity scattered here and there have seen their defenses worn down into apathetic resignations. Fighting the good fight has turned into an exercise in futility.

"What use is there to fight the tide?", some ask.

"Go with the flow", others mumble.   And everyone gives in to the fear creating the hate and discontent that swirls around them.

Meanwhile, malcontents on all sides blindly feed their own fires, dragging the rest of a great land down into a mutual stench of self inflicted misery.  Nobody will win.  Everyone loses.

When a citizenry begins feeding off their fears instead of their courage, the first casualty is their greatness; followed soon by their pride.  It is indeed a sad thing when a great and proud people hate themselves so much, they are willing to allow Fear to take over their lives and ultimately destroy all they used to hold precious.

I originally wrote the preceding post on November 6, 2016, two days before the unthinkable happened that set us on the uncertain course we are still on.

I was originally looking for a specific post that caused a fellow Mainer to abruptly leave my circle of readers in a huff, mumbling and cursing under his breath. I knew he was a champion of the Right, but I had no idea his skin was so thin. As it turned out, I lost contact with him and many other Wingers because of my harsh criticisms of Trump and everyone he had sucked into his own fart bubble.

This is what I was thinking then; slightly, oh so slightly edited. Fast forward to now and it appears I was right on target. Too bad. I wish I had been wrong back in November, 2016.

Later Gator ...............................


"The Fear", by The Score is my musical choice for this post. About fear and standing up to it. 

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

You were scary precient. Fear sells better than sex