Tuesday, January 23, 2024

To Kiss My Ring, You Have to Bend a Knee or Bend Over

Unquestioning loyalty is what Benedict Donald expects as his due. Eight years of perverted populism has certainly given him reason to expect it. But I wonder if finally, his unbreakable hold on the Right might not be showing some small cracks.

He has become increasingly incoherent in recent months. His threats of retribution, lock downs, and isolation in our future may actually be having an affect on the few Wingers who still have some operational brain cells left.

I know, I know. I promised myself I was not going to obsess over Trump anymore. Well, there has to be some kind of safety valve I can use to keep the build up of Trump stupidity from crowding out the few bits of rational thought I still have available. After all, it has been quite awhile since I wrote anything specifically about  the Word Salad Wizard.

I have stopped concerning myself why so many Wingers still consider this obviously deranged man a viable alternative to Sleepy Joe. They are either the most stupid people in this country or they are willfully stupid and that makes them assholes who know better, but do not care. They just want to "own the Libs"; Fuck the country.

The indiscernible Trump verbiage we have become used to has found a new level of indiscernibility. His manic expressions of hate and discontent have become so disconnected from rhyme, reason, and reality, that now whenever I punish myself by listening to him, I am sure I am listening to the rambling thoughts of a four year old mind on Quaaludes.

I make no predictions of how the next ten months will play out. I do know that if the Orange Asshole is crowned again, this country will have the leader it deserves and watch out. As Jackie says all the time, "we're fucked" if that happens.

Later ...........................................


Over the years, music I listened to as I grew into adulthood has now fallen into two categories for me. Music that brings me joy with the memory the tune evokes. Then there is the music from back in the day that is still or has regained top status just by being so fucking good. There were artists from my past I enjoyed that I did not appreciate as I do now. Van Morrison, Steely Dan, Deep Purple, Rory Gallagher, and Traffic are a few I have rediscovered. I liked their music then; I love it now. 

Coming down from a decidedly over dosed Acid trip, I can remember Traffic's "Low Spark of High Heeled Boys" blunted the sharper edges of the previous 20 hour fantasy. I don't remember what transpired while Snake and I stumbled our way around Bethesda, Maryland, but I do remember those wonderful hours later in his basement . We smoked joints and listened to Traffic as our minds crawled back into Reality.

I appreciated "Low Spark" then for helping me to calm down. Today, I appreciate it for being a timeless piece of great music. 



Nan said...

It was obvious (or should have been) years go that the Human Yam was sliding into senile dementia. If he hadn't managed to sell the image of himself as being a Really Rich Guy there would have been questions about his mental competence back when he first decided to run for President. If you compare video of TFG from 20 years ago and what he was like in speeches from the past few years, the decline is painfully obvious. He used to be coherent -- he might have said stupid, self-centered crap but he spoke in complete sentences and made some sense. Now he gets up on a stage and sounds like he walked away from a Memory Care unit in a nursing home.

MRMacrum said...

Nan - You are right. Trump was never close to being a towering intellect, but at some point in his past, he could put together coherent sentences. Your description of him as a Memory Care escapee is right on point.

The Blog Fodder said...

He certainly does show every sign of dementia. The powers behind him will be running the show anyhow. Bannon and Miller et al. I love that Nikki is driving him mad by staying in teh race and forcing him to go out in public

MRMacrum said...

Blog Fodder - Trump has always been someone's useful idiot. As long as he draws a breath he will continue to be. As you indicate, he plays the front man while the real evil lurks in the shadows pulling his strings. Very similar situation as what went on in the Reagan administration. Reagan got away with it because he could smile and seem sincere.

Commander Zaius said...

I would like to hold the sentiment that it's highly bizarre that the Republican Party would ever consider the Orange Deranged Mutant as a candidate for president. I mean detested Bush/Cheney and believe Reagan was terrible on many levels. But never once would I believe that either one was a threat to democracy.

But honestly, I've lived around MAGA Trumpers all my life. Those people use to be kept in check by the saner elements of the GOP. The hate and ignorance expressed by Trumpers is just part of their nature, and the Republicans need them to stand a chance of holding power.

Back when Trump first appeared in politics, I realized right away he would ultimately burn down the country. Frankly, I'm worried--moving into the scared realm of what he and his minions will pull before November and especially after no matter if he seizes power or clearly loses.

PipeTobacco said...

It will be an insane 10 months ahead. Everything is roiling.


MRMacrum said...

Commander Zaius - In my opinion, you are wise to be concerned. Gone are the days where no matter how stupid I thought our leaders had been, I had confidence the system would self correct.

Pipe Tobacco - Since the Tea Party came on the scene, each following year I told myself the insanity has never been worse. Now I realize the insanity can always be worse and apparently it is about to reach a new level.