Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Buxom Bimbos

Anyone who visits Facebook has scrolled through their feeds and come across the short video sequences called "Reels". Usually very short, the subject matter covers anything under the Sun, in the Sun and outside the Sun. Serious touch your heart videos. new must have product videos, political videos, Religious videos, and of course cute cat,dog,and moose videos. Any topic you can think of can and will show up on them.

Up until recently I have been spared the Buxom Bimbo videos like the ones to the Left. Since yesterday though, my feed has been inundated with them. It reminds me of the period I was getting hit up by woman after woman sending me friend requests.

I am not so old that a nice looking woman means nothing to me. Like every straight male out there, my DNA insists that I take notice of them. Good looking women are fun to look at, but if they have nothing else to offer other than looks, I am just not interested. Disregarding the raging hormone filled days of my youth, I have always felt that way.

The video on the left lasted 10 or 15 seconds for me before I decided that a woman in overalls and no top wearing work gloves was not going to raise my interest. And the one on the right lasted maybe 5 seconds before I decided I had had enough of her and the twenty or so other bimbo reels that have landed on my feed over the last few days.

I know it is probably just my turn in a cycle created by some smarter we are algorithm. I really could not care less, I just scroll past them now. 

All this reminds me of one of my favorite images I have ever found on the internet. These melons were shipped all over back in the 1940s and 50s.

Maybe the real reason I complained about the buxom bimbos at the top of the post was I needed an excuse to post that image of the melons that really impressed me.. 

Titz Up Buckaroos, Life is getting way too intense to take it too seriously anymore ...................... 


Okay, okay..... yeah my mind is in a gutter and until I finish this post, I will not be able to return to my normal curmdgeoning self. I google Breast music and well, again the coffers of Google spent 0.66 seconds filling up the screen with musical suggestions.

Because the songs I might have wanted to play were so obnoxious, I decided instead to find some music about real melons or what they might infer, suggest, make subtle suggestions about. Here is "My Melons", by an artist from Botswana named Lorraine Lionheart. Excellent tune from an artist I have never heard before.

Conveniently, I found the best cut on a site called reverberation and the song is but one of a playlist you can try out once "My Melons" has stopped. Enjoy.

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

My reels lead off with either the bimbos, which I have no objection to or donkeys. I follow a donkey named henry and a couple others. I call them ny tits and ass reels