Thursday, March 09, 2023

My Mother Turned Eighty Yesterday - Flash 150

Okay. Because I really enjoy writing flash fiction off of prompts, I am combining the first line prompts of 3/7 and 3/8. Aiming for 150 words.

"My mother turned eighty yesterday."

"Why would you say that?"

“Because it is a lie.”

Jack dropped a corner of the sports section he was reading and looked at his friend seated across the table.

“Why lie to me? I knew your mom. She died in her fifties.”

Bob looked up from his crossword.

“Well I’ll tell ya Jack. I have decided nobody listens anymore. I don’t know if it’s my age or a general, across the board  tendency of today’s society. ….. You were my first test. I will lie all day and see if people notice.”

Jack reset his newspaper with a snap, cutting off any further comment from Bob.

From behind the sports section, “You know Bob, when you come up with these dumb ideas, you make my day. It reminds me that no one should have a wing-man who is smarter than they are….. Carry on.


Had more trouble finding a tune that incorporated lies and lying. Might be I was fussier this morning than yesterday. Anyway, here is David Bromberg's "Early This Morning". He became a favorite of mine over fifty years ago. He's slowed down since then and now owns and operates a fiddle repair and sales shop in Delaware and living life easy. He still makes music.

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

One would have to have access to many different people to lie all day and see if someone noticed. Republicans manage it. The MAGAts never notice or if they do they like it that way
My family never let the truth stand in the way of a good story but outright lies, no.