Monday, February 28, 2022

The Future Liberals Want

I just re-upped my membership on Twitter. I did not close my old account which I had set up the same year Twitter came into existence. I just signed up again. I hope having dual accounts doesn't upset the balance that hangs so precariously in the back alleys of the Internet Ether.

So I spent a few minutes familiarizing myself with the ins and outs of the tweeting world. I searched for the first person I wanted to follow. Took me me some time as I was spelling his name wrong at first. 

Allen and his family reside in Ukraine. Allen has been busier than a two headed whore at a Shriner's convention issuing updates on the madness unfolding around his home. Apparently, he and his family are safe and hunkered down. And now that I had confirmed his presence on Twitter, I just sat back and trolled.

Trolling Twitter lasted about 5 minutes and I became bored. I switched to Facebook, my dependable place to find oddities of all kinds. I was not disappointed. A FB friend posted the image there on the right without comment.

I guess the image is some kind of erotic fantasy a horny gardener dreamed up after too much weed and shots while sitting at his desk at dark thirty in the morning. Add the caption from Alex Jones and the whole meaning gets further lost in the jungles of the BoZone.

Phallic hedges back dropping an astro turf clad model gripping pink shears in pink gloved hands does not tickle my Liberal world fantasy. Hell, it isn't even funny fercrisakes. But I guess this is what the fringes of the Right have been reduced to posting. Seems a tad desperate to me.

Good luck with that Alex, you flaming Winger asshole.

Keep it 'tween the ditches .............................................


I picked a Mills Brothers and Louie Armstrong tune - "Under the Old Apple Tree"

Why you may ask? Well, I love Louie and the Mills Brothers have always been pleasant to listen to. Besides, the title is sorta, kinda related to gardening. Right?


PipeTobacco said...

I very much appreciated the phrase “dark thirty in the morning”. I may have to borrow the phrase for some future use!


peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm a hit and miss person twitter, just don't have hang of it. Looks like one could go down a rabbit hole of there.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Nan said...

That is a truly bizarre image.

yellowdoggranny said...

eat your heart and Bob(first husband) got all dressed up ( I made my dress, silky low cut full length satin pale green dress and Bob a matching shirt..we looked cool..went to see the Mills Brothers in Roswell, New Mexico in 1962...we were the only white people there. didn't let it bother us..we danced and enjoyed the Mills Brothers. One of my few good memories of me and ole Bob...he did have great taste in music. that picture is fucked up.

MRMacrum said...

Pipe Tobacco - I actually over use it. Or so I have been told. I like it because it immediately adds substance to the time identified.

peppylady - Yeah, my brief time checking it out warned me of the potential of not just one rabbit hole, but many. I will tread lightly I hope.

Nan - A truly bizarre image? Exactly! One of the oddest unexplained images I have seen in years. Labeling it a Liberal's fantasy world is not even close.

yellowdoglady - Saw the Mills Brothers in 1962. In Roswell, New Mexico no less. The crowd must have thought you were aliens.

One from Ukraine said...

There's new site --

With war crimes of RFia against Ukraine

Please help to spread it, about Anti-Humane Monster Put-in.