Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Down With the Sickness

I am feeling a serious and deep disconnect between the country I grew up in and the country I currently exist in. From what I gather listening to the Media industry, I am not alone. 

It does not matter which side of the aisle one hails from. It does not matter if one is a Boomer, Gen X, Millennial, Gen Z, or the latest new generation coming into their own in the next 10 years. It does not matter if one is religious, an Atheist or something in between.  And it matters not what race or ethnic origin we are. A general disillusionment with this country has us all by our mutual short hairs. 

A sizable percentage of citizens in this country are pissed off about something.

Human nature being what it is, most Americans are looking to find and are finding convenient scapegoats for why life here is so screwed up. It's not our fault, it's someone else's. I am no different I guess. I have my convenient scapegoats also.

Since the January 6 insurrection, I have cut back on my fiery rhetoric. I did this on purpose hoping to jettison some of the hate and discontent that has accumulated over the last twenty years. I hoped to find some civil equilibrium when dealing with idiots, uh, I mean, folks I disagree with. 

I have been somewhat successful in finding some conversational balance. I have yet to see any progress in my efforts to pry loose the entrenched hate and discontent rooted hard into my brain pan. Every day the idiots, uh I mean,  the folks I disagree with come up with a new button to push and I have all I can do to just smile and hold my tongue.

But holding my tongue is the first step in moving on to more fruitful interactions with the idiots, uh I mean the folks I disagree with. Facing off with someone who is as angry as I have been these past many years is an exercise in futility. I see that now. I understand that now. I am working on it, this stepping back from the edge thing. But it is so much easier and satisfying to fly off the handle than to remain calm in the face of observed stupidity.

This post was originally to be about the hypocrisy of the Right. Specifically their constant harping that the Left is the cancel culture. ......... 

But I reached the fork in the road where one split takes me down the dark road of angry words and the other takes me down the path that reminds me none of this shit matters in the long run. We either get our act together or we don't.

To that end I will continue to battle my inner demons who want me to rhetorically demolish idiots, uh I mean anyone who disagrees with me. Wish me luck.

Later .......................................


For this post I picked Disturbed and their take on losing anger, "Down with the Sickness" 


Nan said...

Being an introvert who rarely talks to anyone outside her immediate personal bubble, I am free of conversational angst. Idiots are a lot easier to deal with when they're being viewed from a distance.

yellowdoggranny said...

I love discourse ...loud, rowdy and being pissed off.. keeps my blooda pumping. Fuck them if they dont like it.

PipeTobacco said...

Nicely stated! I find that the anger does me no good. I have been really working hard on letting the anger go. Some days are better than others, but I feel it has been helpful to work to do this.


Ol'Buzzard said...

I am down to the short strokes of existence. My time left is finite. I don't have time to rage and rant about the idiocy of the human race. I watch the news occasionally and it is always aggravating. I may momentarily outcry; but then I immediately move on. Fuck it. Buddhist principal: change what you can and accept and move on what you cant change.

Beautiful forty degree day in snowy Maine
the Ol'Buzzard