Friday, February 25, 2022

Does He Eat Dogs?

Vlad the Invader has decided to once again bully his way into Ukraine. Why should America even care?  That is what many Winger pundits are asking. 

Tucker Carlson has indicated that the collective we, who make up the American public, have been trained to hate Putin. Two days ago on Fox News he asked:

"........ since it is getting pretty serious: What is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia. Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs?" 

Tucker is a smart guy who never crosses the line between reality and fantasy. His evening diatribes are always well thought out and the charges he makes against those awful Democrats are always spot on. .......... Right?

Yes, his questions might seem reasonable to his target audience. 

But as usual, he uses a classic distraction of comparing apples to oranges and managing once again to not make sense at the same time. What a stupid man some people look up to.

His point however about why we should not care is interesting. 

Sitting here 5000 miles or so away from the Russian invasion in a country most of us will never be able to identify without help, why should we get our panties in a bunch over this? For me, the half ass student of history that I am, well, I find it amazing that we even have to have a conversation over why it matters that Vlad has invaded another country. 

Yeah, we have our own problems. Every one has problems. We are tired of being the World's cop. ... Blah, blah, blah. 

Focusing solely on our own internal issues only allows the external problems blowing up outside our borders to mutate into situations we might be forced to confront with more aggression than if we addressed them in the beginning or better yet preemptively. 

Certainly "not caring" about what happens in Ukraine is short sighted and stupid. But that is what the Wingers want. They strive hard to keep us stupid every day with their non-stop line of anti American Bull Shit. And who better to hold up as someone to admire than Vlad the Invader.? And who better than Tucker to fill us up with the lies?

Joe Biden may or may not deserve the initial criticism he is shouldering. Personally, I am holding my own opinion for awhile to see how his sanctions and troop movements play out. I am puzzled that his sanctions hit three of Putin's buddies in the Russo-oligarch club, but so far it appears Biden has not gone after Putin personally. 

The Right falsely infuses everything they do, say, and wear with empty Patriotism. From the lapel pins to their draping themselves in the flag every moment of every day is just plain bullshit. Sadly, Tucker's target audience does not see through the bullshit. They just see the flag their GOP idols disrespect almost every time they open their mouths. It's no wonder they suck up the admiration their leaders have shown for Vlad the Invader.

Regardless, I am not helping Russia by tacitly condoning their occupation with mealy mouthed sentiments or the outright admiration shown by many leaders of the Right. Foreign policy is a board game we need to attack with a united front. The Right does not care. They only care about defeating the Democrats. And if rooting for another country to undermine a current President's efforts to find peace works in their favor; so be it. After Jan 6 this is nowhere near as serious. Fuck America, right Tucker?

Problem is, their strategy is most likely to take us all down leaving a shit pile for them to lord over.

Later .......................................

"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath was going to be the tune for today's post. Then I googled "Anti-Russian music". This tune is called "Putin Khuylo" (Putin is a Dickhead). It emerged around 2010, was used during Russia's incursion in 2014. Russian tight asses have done their best to bury this worldwide trend and have been unsuccessful. This is but one version of many.


peppylady (Dora) said...

I got hunch this mess will be around for while.
Coffee is on and stay safe

One from Ukraine said...

\\Then I googled "Anti-Russian music". This tune is called "Putin Khuylo" (Putin is a Dickhead). It emerged around 2010, was used during Russia's incursion in 2014. Russian tight asses have done their best to bury this worldwide trend and have been unsuccessful. This is but one version of many.

There is thing from which Nazis... oh, I mean Russians have "bombit"(farting with blood) it's greeting:

Glory to Ukraine! To heroes Glory!

even better if in Ukrainian: "Slava Ukraini! Geroiam slava!"

Let ALL the World say it to him.

\\\Vlad the Invader has decided to once again bully his way into Ukraine. Why should America even care? That is what many Winger pundits are asking.

That's damn easy to answer.
Because of 2018th year Death Threats to USA, North Korea-style.
From Vlad the Destroyer (of USA) wannabe
"We have Tzar-Torpedo, which could obliterate North America coast with radioactive tsunami and pollution"
As well as many other Super-Duper-Weapons, Hitler-style.

I bet you can find it on YouTube, this bragging and assess it yourself.

\\Sitting here 5000 miles or so away from the Russian invasion in a country most of us will never be able to identify without help

Well, we are not like Mongolia. :)
If that American knows where Europe on the Glode is...
we are the country in upper half of Black Sea -- in opposit to Turkey.
And black sea that is that north-eastern figment of a Miditeranian sea.
Peninsula Crimea in that Black Sea is quite unique in it's form -- rombic. And Crimea Its Ukraine!

\\\Focusing solely on our own internal issues only allows the external problems blowing up outside our borders to mutate into situations we might be forced to confront with more aggression than if we addressed them in the beginning or better yet preemptively.

Bulls Eye.

MRMacrum said...

peppylady - I think you are right. Events like this are created in a heart beat but take many heart beats to find a resolution.

One from Ukraine - I apologize for giving the impression I did not know where Ukraine was. I do, but many of my fellow Americans do not.And even sadder, many of them will not even bother to pay attention past next week, maybe sooner. Good luck and stand your ground!

yellowdoggranny said...

thanks to Allan H. we not only know where Ukraine is we are worried for our friend , his family and all of Ukraine. Fuck Putin.

Nan said...

It's hard to hit Putin with sanctions because he's been working on keeping his assets hidden for years. Supposedly he has no bank accounts anywhere and his name isn't on the deeds or titles for physical stuff everyone knows he owns, like that mega yacht that recently got moved to Kaliningrad. The man is a master of deceit.

One from Ukraine said...

\\One from Ukraine - I apologize for giving the impression I did not know where Ukraine was. I do, but many of my fellow Americans do not.And even sadder, many of them will not even bother to pay attention past next week, maybe sooner. Good luck and stand your ground!

No need. About such trivial matters.
We ourself, Ukrainians, have our own guilt of showing no concerns to struggles of others.
Like that rampage of ruSSian in Georgia in 2008 year.
So, we hardly have right to blame someone for indifference.

\\\\Then I googled "Anti-Russian music". This tune is called "Putin Khuylo" (Putin is a Dickhead).

I'm not sure what "dickhead" precisely mean, but.
I think "limp dick, impotent" is more suiting, deserving and implyed as translation. ;)

MRMacrum said...

yellowdoggrannie - Yeah, knowing Allan has made me smarter.

Nan - In the scheme of what a sanction is, well some are set up just to make a point. And others are designed to inflict damage.

One from Ukraine - It seems that in our search to find comfortable situations, humans tend to compartmentalize those parts of the Reality outside their comfort zone that might cause their comfort to suffer. Denial runs strong in our species.

One from Ukraine said...

Have no inclination to blame it.
That's just an instinct. That's what makes us human.
And well, we don't have that much of throughput of our brains, to be able to think about everything.

One from Ukraine said...

There's new site --

With war crimes of RFia against Ukraine

Please help to spread it, about Anti-Humane Monster Put-in.