Friday, December 23, 2005
The Build Up
I gave myself a present today. I guess you could say it was a Christmas present. But that would not be completely accurate. This was a present I had planned to have 6 months ago. I had to build it first. It sat gathering dust, as one reason or another kept me from finishing it. Today, Friday, December 23rd, 2005 was slow at the shop. I could count on one hand and leave change on the number of consumers who came in. Instead of fidgeting over no business, I proceeded with the present. I built up a new bike for myself. Well, some new parts and some old parts, and at 8:00 PM I was staring at my new hardtail mountain bike. Tomorrow all I have to do to make it rideable is slap a seat on, cap some cables and it's off to the races. The 17.5" Rocky Blizzard frame with the 20th anniversary head badge on it had hung barren for too long. It looks good with wheels, disc brakes, a 105 mm Marzocchi MX Pro shock, and a solid XT/Race Face drivetrain under it. Adding the Nokian "Extreme" studded tires rounded out the look. It is one bad ass winter bike. I am ready for the cold weather now. Hoping to overcome the lethargic slug I usually impersonated, I pulled the frame off the hook it had dangled from these past 6 months. I dusted it off and considered what was next. I stripped my other bike and re-installed everything I could on the Blizzard. With each component successfully cleaned, attached and adjusted, my ambivalence melted away. By the time I stepped back from the done machine, I wanted to ride. There is something special about creating your own bike. Short of actually fabricating a frame, building up a bike from scratch is satisfaction beyond description. I think I get off as much building them as riding them. Nah, the ride is just that much sweeter knowing I was responsible for every choice and tidbit on it. I cannot wait to spin it around. The grin factor will be off the charts.