Sunday, July 21, 2024

The New Candidate?

Well okay. The Presidential election has just become even more of a clusterfuck. Joe Biden has chosen to back out and now 8 hours after the announcement, most of us it seems, are sitting back not knowing what to think; maybe a few thoughtful Trump voters included. The Election dynamic has changed course; the old contest has been uprooted and tossed in the trash. The party that takes the best advantage of this turn of events will win I think. 

Biden stepping down does in no way mean a slam dunk for the GOP. They have bet everything on beating a certain candidate who is now no longer in the race. They will have to come up with a whole new bag of lies and deceit damn quickly to meet the challenge of whoever gets the Democrat's nod.

And sure, there is now tremendous pressure on the Democrats to switch gears, find a candidate on the run and get a new campaign up and running ASAP. Their job may seem daunting, but I think if they are quick to choose and wholeheartedly support a new challenger to Trump, the pressure will blow back on Trump and his clown circus to come up with a campaign strategy that works. 

First of all, the only age issue existing now is Trump's age. Anyone the Dems pick will certainly be pre-Octogenarian. Second, in my opinion, if they are smart they will strongly consider Kamala Harris as a first choice. She's already in the race. She has proven she will take on Trump like an attack dog. And finally, this accident of events may just be the moment and time we finally put a woman in the White House.  Nothing would take the wind out of the Right Wing sails faster than a Woman of Color and Asian ancestry sitting in the Oval Office running the show. Kamala is certainly more qualified than Trump to do that. His first term proved my dog would have been a better president..

Joe Biden had my full support right up to the moment I think he made the decision to withdraw. And at this moment my feeling is upbeat. I think Kamala has a serious chance of kicking Trump's ass if the Democrats stop wringing their hands, come together as one and jam a better candidate down Trump's throat. ...............  Best of Luck Kamala!

I will wait with jaundiced eye for any sign the Democrats really want to kick Trump's ass. In the meantime,, please ........

Keep it 'tween the ditches ...................................


I decided rather than browse Youtube videos to find a tune that fits, I told myself I had to come up with a song on my own that might just put Kamala Harris in perspective for me. From what I know now, she has spent a lifetime being disrespected and then turning that disrespect into earned respect and sometimes real admiration from the people she interacted with in various public service positions.

Without further ado, here is "Respect" by Aretha Franklin.

1 comment:

PipeTobacco said...

I am sad Biden withdrew (he was basically forced to, IMO). I think he deserved to run, and I think he had the bet chance to beat tRump.

I very much like, though, that Biden endorsed Harris! I very much like Harris and I think if the political folks do not get into a fight about who should be the nominee and accept Harris, there is still a chance!

However, I am fearful that tRump has too much momentum from his assasination attempt and his convention….. that he unfortunately WILL win.

I will definitely vote Harris! I hope she can do it!!!!
