Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Flies in My Coffee Blues

I can't keep up with the planet's constant change of pace as it whizzes past my pucker brush protected corner here in Maine, USA. Thankfully, another natural cycle will swing by in time to remind me some things will never change. 

No matter what's currently shakin and quakin out of control beyond the comfort zone I have built for myself, the natural cycles of the Real World have become dependable, tried and true sanity anchors for me. Each season, each month brings with them events, tasks, and concerns none of the others have. No matter how insane Humans get, the natural cycles can often temper the worst of our craziness and stupidity; at least in the short term.
Some of those cycles I look forward to and some I don't. No matter what, every cycle brings both the good and the bad. Pick your poison. A certainty is that, at the very least, a minor inconvenience accompanies every moment we annually count on.

I'll skip over the long list of cycles I look forward to and skip right to the ones, well one specific one that involves me every June and July in the same insane struggle..... House Flies and their never ending efforts to drive me out of my mind.

We don't usually have a high annual influx of houseflies. I'm guessing about an average total for an old house with an infinite number of ways for beasties, small and even smaller to invade our house. Along with ladybugs, some very confused wasps, houseflies are more than benign visitors like the others. I don't count spiders because well, I like spiders and do what I can to protect their turf, inside or out. Besides, they love to eat houseflies.

There are surely an infinite number of critters dumber than a housefly. but not many more annoying. They don't need to be smart, their abilities exist in the reflex DNA that is in every fly I guess. They have speed and reflexes on their side: me, well, it's supposed to be no contest but usually ends up in a draw.

This year the housefly invasion came late. At this point, the ones showing up are nummer and dummer than the average housefly. They are easy to kill, they'll wait for you. They're attraction to being extremely stupid however has a serious downside. In the last 72 hours or so, I have picked at least 5 flies out of my coffee. There have been so many, I am now a tad concerned about how many I might have missed.

At this point, I am in quandary regarding which kind of housefly is better for me;  The dumb a a bag of rocks flies that are easy to kill but will often find a way to fall in my coffee or the fast un-killable kind, who irritate me in so many other ways but at least have the courtesy to not fall in my coffee and drown.

Keep it 'tween the ditches ......................................


I found a cool kids tune, "Housefly Blues", by The Wee Hairy Beasties. The song is for kids, the music is for everyone. It's a pretty kick ass Blues tune.


PipeTobacco said...

As a biologist, I am not supposed to think this way….. but, I am really not fond of insects. I have always been creeped out by most of them….. especially ants. Probably the damn giant radioactive ants Sci-Fi movie I saw numerous times as a kid helped form my strong aversion to ants. But, cockroaches are another one too. I have been fortunate to never live in a home that had cockroaches, but I had nightmares about it (and ants too). In graduate school, the building I worked in with research had a honeybee guy down the hall, and this required the entire building to be insecticide free…. and the building had tons of cockroaches…many as big as my thumb. I was always afraid I would bring back one of the damn things to my grad school apartment. I never left a zipper open in my backpack the years I worked there. It was also rather unsettling how excited my rats in our lab would get very animated and excited when a cockroach would walk over their cage….. their would be a flurry of activity while the rat would try to capture the cockroach to devour it. Late at night (~3am) when I would often be in the lab working on some research, I would sometimes throw a 4 inch thick telephone book at some of the bigger roaches. When I would lift the phone book off, their pasty white innards would have oozed out of their exoskeleton. I do not eat shrimp BECAUSE their body innards look damn identical to that of a cockroach’s when the exoskeleton is removed from either beast.


peppylady (Dora) said...

Not many icky bugs around here.