Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Post Sleepy Joe

Ran across the meme to the right on "Democrats for Texas", a group page on Facebook. Made me laugh out loud. I immediately caught the wonderful irony of the statement and how it might affect the Right's mindset as they try to come to grips with a world without Sleepy Joe. 

The Right, especially the White Pride Christian Nationalist gang are simple, salt of the earth types, you know, morons who depend on guidance from a currently unproven entity who is conveniently vengeful and/or empathetic depending on how their day is going and who might have pissed them off or made them happy. I don't need any fictional characters running things in my brain. Got over that during my LSD period that lasted several years in the late1960s and early 1970s. Nothing like like a lot of LSD to reset someone's compass. 

Imagine the Right's confusion these last few days after Joe dropped out. I can envision a flurry of frantic genuflection, restocking ammo, and calling up one more time about that missing shipment of Freeze dried food guaranteed to last 30 years if the seals are not broken. Yeah, they are going to be some busy this next week or so until their thoughtful leaders offer them solace with new tales of fire and brimstone if a DEI woman (wink wink, a black woman) takes over the White House.

I am a fence sitter when it comes to God. There may have been or even still is an intelligent designer or god kickin around out there in space. But until a god is scientifically proven to exist, I'll lean totally Scientific Method's way. Scientific Method is all we have to factually verify anything. Hope and faith don't cut it.

Organized Religion can be and often is rigid, with no wiggle room dogma and unproven at this point. Science changes when proven it needs changing. 

Neither are perfect, but one is a damn sight closer to perfect than the other, what with the huge back log of proven facts already stashed in Science's quiver. Religion has no cred that relies on provable information. Organized Religion totally depends on fears, hopes, and dreams.

My belief that either could be correct stopped being an issue for me the day I dropped Organized Religion from my must have list. I shifted to "I don't Care" because frankly from all the observable evidence over my lifetime, if there is a god, that god's actions seem to have little to do with how we run things here on planet Earth. We are on our own. 

At best, "God", as we refer to this intelligent designer, may have indeed set up the scene with the props, the actors, and the set, but that is as far as they went. Contrary to the claims of billions, God, if real, left for parts unknown without a second thought about us and our petty interactions. This intelligent designer is not interested, so why should I be interested in whether they exist or not? The outlandish claims of a group of people who can't live their lives without convincing themselves some greater being is monitoring and judging what they do seems a waste of time. I won't do it.

They can go ahead and pray to whomever or whatever they want to, but as soon as they bring those beliefs into the political arena, they are my enemy. Leave the crucifix at the door. I don't want any part of their circus.

As always, please strive to ..................... Keep it 'tween the ditches.


Finding a tune that fit became an instant struggle today. Music and religion don't coexist in my mind very well. They could I guess, but again, who cares? Anyway, as I struggled to come up with a new tune dissing religion, I remembered "Eleanor Rigby", by the Beatles. It may be my favorite song by them.

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