Thursday, July 25, 2024


I watched Sleepy Joe's speech last night. It was a short speech. I thought I was impressed when he tweeted he would be stepping down and handing his baton off to competent hands in a younger generation. Now I am impressed even more since I heard the words come from his lips.

There are many quotable bites from his speech; too many to mention all of them. The one that sticks with me this morning is :

"I revere this office"

"But I love my country more"

Meanwhile yesterday, at a rally in front of some of his cult members, Donald Trump said:

"We're a stupid country"

With over fifty years of public service, can anyone on either side of the aisle deny Joe Biden's love of his county? Yeah, yeah, the fools on the Right will, but they are all infected by Trump's self serving vision of the country he would like America to be; afraid, subservient, with the poor safely in their place shining his shoes.

Sleepy Joe on the other hand has always wanted to see America at the top of whatever mountain we chose to conquer. Joe did his best to help us get there. He has been a selfless leader his whole life even in the face of so much tragedy in his life. Passing on the torch to a younger generation was exactly what a Joe Biden would do and he did. He buried his own self interest to help our nation continue to be one of the strongest beacons of Freedom in the World.

Donald Trump - "We're a stupid nation". The contrast of visions could not be greater.

'Nuff said.


Picking a song is all too often a daunting task for me some days. I have an opinion on everything and of course it is because I know everything or at least anything that is of the slightest importance to all of us; but ask me to pick a song on the Juke Box and I freeze. I can't stand the pressure, please, please pick someone else, I am about to crawl into a fetal position here........

Okay, okay, I took a minute, got up and refilled my coffee cup and contrary to my new effort to not spark up a doob before noon, I just sparked up a fat joint to help mellow me out. 

................ Ah, that's better.

I finally decided. I feel that no matter the result of this years 2024 election cycle, I am pretty confident in saying our nation is in for a serious change. One result, we keep an even keel. The other result, we head into rough seas. As Sleepy Joe said last night , "It is up to us, the American People".

Here is a cover of Sam Cooke's, "A Change is Gonna Come". I think it fits right in.


PipeTobacco said...

I am hopeful that Harris may be able to win. That will be wonderful and helpful for us all as a nation. I think is she wins she will do many great things.

But, I am still resentful that the media and others dumped on Biden. He is a great president. I would rather have had Biden run and beat tRump….. and even if his health declined after the election and in the second term, we would still be also able to have Harris as president.


MRMacrum said...

Pipe Tobacco - I was angry and getting angrier by what I considered unfair criticism of President Biden. I am with you. I think he has done a stunning job, especially considering who he followed and the mess that asshole left him.

Then I watched the debate. He had a bad day. It dawned on me, he was going to have more bad days and they would be coming closer together.

The time had come to pass the torch and thankfully, he understood that and has now the GOP are on the ropes wondering just what the fuck hit them. It is as if Joe and his crew planned this, those sneaky snookers.

I only hope the swell in support of Kamala continues to grow. 100 days or so out. This is suspiciously looking more like a strategy and not an accidental turn of events.