Thursday, June 02, 2022

A Conversation With J

J is not a rabid, foaming at the mouth Right Winger. I think he hovers around the middle like I used to. I generally respect Jeff’s opinions, no matter how far out in Left field they occasionally are. Hell, I often find myself deep in Left Field myself, so who am I to look down on another human with definite opinions of their own?

What follows is a rendering of a Facebook conversation we had a few days back that was initiated by the image to the right. I posted the image without comment on my Facebook page.

J's First Response

These statements are so extreme. Does anybody want their child to come home in a body bag? No they just have different ideas about what to do about it.

My 1st Response to J

 I notice you did not mention "does anyone not want their child to look at a rainbow flag". In my mind, the Right's absolute over the top exaggerated indignation over almost everything the Left says, does, or even hints at sets the tone for the over the top response by the Left. And it is about time the Left gave as good it has had to eat the last decade. Fuck the Right.

J's Next Comeback 

 I didn't mention that because my point leans neither left nor right. Your defense of the left going rabid because the right is rabid (I'll give you that one) indicates and my sensors agree... "Ok , I realize, tensions are high"... What about that rainbow flag though. Well I neither want it forced down anyone's throat and I do not want schools which are already messed up in teachers which are already underpaid to teach my child sexuality ever, nor did I inundate with my children with a lot of sexual information you just need to cover the basics and make them understand their body is their own and all of that sort of thing. As for the gay kids in school they can start using the law and if people commit assault on them they can press charges or they can maybe they can call me you know the A team.

I think I Feel a Roll Coming On

Are rainbow flags as big a deal as insurrection? Is mentioning, just mentioning "Critical Race Theory" as big a threat as denying women autonomy over their bodies? There are so many stupid things the Right has their panties in a bunch over that are nothing but false flags designed to keep real progress from happening just because the suggestion for that progress was initiated by the Left. 

I am fed up with giving the Right any slack. I am fed up trying to understand their points. Their points make no sense and are nothing less than bullshit designed to hurt the Left, but in reality only hurt the country as a whole. Flying a rainbow flag in no way teaches children to be gay. Wishing there were some kind of common sense rules about guns and their usage does not mean everyone on the Left wants to "take away our guns". 

The Right is chock full of cowards who, instead of creating that heroic warrior culture you seem to embrace, instead are creating a cowardice culture where the only courage recognized is the false courage that comes from the end of a gun.

The online back and forth with J ended here. At least for the moment anyway. 


I mean every nasty, vindictive word I wrote about the Right. As long as they continue to be deceitful, dishonest, unethical and selfish, I have no interest in meeting them "halfway". Halfway to a Right Winger is only one way; Their way or the highway. And I am sick of it.

Later ............................................


I picked a tune that in today's over heated political discourse could be embraced by either the Right or the Left. It is also a tune that is more relevant today than it was when it was recorded 22 years ago.

"My Way" - Limp Bizkit


yellowdoggranny said...

the right can suck my dick.

The Blog Fodder said...

I have tried to eliminate the right wing from my life as discussions with them are pointless as you said. Now I am dealing with the Left who are just as immune to facts as the Right, only in different areas. Today I was in an unpleasant discussion with a commenter on Letters from an American who blamed the war in Ukraine on USA for not negotiating with Russia.

One from Ukraine said...

Still... you able to talk with em...

Blogger The Blog Fodder said...
Today I was in an unpleasant discussion with a commenter on Letters from an American who blamed the war in Ukraine on USA for not negotiating with Russia.

Well... that is USA that hogged to itself all talks about MAD and all nuclear stuff...
so, yeah, try to take responsibility, USA.
Or if you can't, state it clearly, before too late.
'Cause that is gravely dangerous question to delay with response, to play tossing hot chestnut into others hands.

Damn... too dangerous.