Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Dude, Big Bro is After You

Facebook has finally begun to target me. I was a tad disappointed when online friends were being banned for whatever. I wondered if my comments and posts were so pasteurized and unremarkable that alarm bells at Facebook's "Community Standards" enclave stayed silent. I thought maybe I was being slighted in some way.

Well, I do not have to worry. They have found me and now I guess I have been assigned a higher designation on their "Look out, this guy's a troublemaker" watch list.

Twice today, I have had my knuckles smacked. Dire threats of further, more heinous actions are in my future should I continue rocking their boat.

The first no-no that raised their hackles was my sharing the mocked up "Time" magazine cover that connected Putin and Hitler in a very clever visual image. I knew Facebook tight asses were excluding this image, yet I still posted it. I did however in my lead in comments, declare the cover was a mock up, a fake and Time had nothing to do with it. Didn't matter. Facebook shut it down.

Then not 30 minutes ago, I received a more threatening message regarding a comment I made on a friend's page. The initial message had links to follow. They all warned me of more severe punishments if I continued to disparage any race group, even my own. I probably compounded the problem by including the word"damn" in with my comment.

I cannot really complain about Facebook's removal of anything I might post. Mark Zuckerberg owns it and can run it anyway he wants. That I consider him just another greedy oligarch with little ethical or moral reasons for anything he does is beside the point. 

Anyway, I feel better now that I have pushed back even the smidgen I did against the arbitrary and capricious rules of one of the tyrants of the Internet. 

Later ..................................

I have recently begun to add a musical note to my posts. I almost allowed this one to exist without some nod to music lovers everywhere. I know my choices do not fall into the quiver of tunes we all carry, but you never know, you might find a new song you never heard and end up liking it. I already can say just looking for the tunes has done that for me.

Anyway, today's musical choice is "World's Dirtiest Song" by Bird and McDonald. It is appropriate that it is a live rendition at a Redd Fox show. It also makes me think of a song after the tight asses at Facebook's Community Standards inquisition board had their way with it. Enjoy. 


Nan said...

The first time Facebook decided to chastise me was when I shared a photo of the retired hooker (aka Melania) dressed only in her hands. I was amused because I had, of course, gotten the image from a post on Facebook. That's the part that baffles me -- getting put in Facebook jail for sharing stuff that I found on Facebook. If the content violated their standards why was it on Facebook to begin with?

One from Ukraine said...

There's new site --

With war crimes of RFia against Ukraine

Please help to spread it, about Anti-Humane Monster Put-in.

One from Ukraine

One from Ukraine said...

About post itself.

Yeah... they solved this problem in Russia -- you can be, and many already are, injailed for the merely "wrong tone" post, or comment, or even like.

And now they rised bar to 15 year in jail for "lies about war in Ukraine".

And terminal punishments and war-time "justice" is on the go. Tomorrow they'll "discuss", means confirm, it in russian "parlament" Doom'a.

Seems like FB have lots of space where to grow...
or, they can happily relocate to Russia, where laws are so good for that.

MRMacrum said...

Nan - From watching other FB users go from chastising to jail, I am sure there is a tiered system where, with each violation, we are saddled with a new level of increased scrutiny. It doesn't bother me per se, but sanitizing Facebook too much will be its downfall I think.

One from Ukraine - I will check out that site. Consider it posted. I find it more objective than anything I have read from Russia or for that matter anything posted by the fringe Right Wing sites here in the USA.

One from Ukraine said...

Thank you.

Well, ruSSian propaganda today whining to no end about their media was banned on the West, "where's your famous Freedom of Speach???" they cry, and about "fakes" ordinary people, witnesses spread through socail media like FB which they already banned on their turf.

yellowdoggranny said...

facebook sucks. first time i got my hand smacked was because someone asked me the title of the michael moore book..I said Stupid White Men.bam just for quoting a book title..then I got bipped for saying fuck the russians..then for saying white people are stupid..then they got pissy when I said i'd run over someones stupid a joooooke...sigh* I'm in trouble for sharing false memes..which incidentally were all anti-trump.