Saturday, September 02, 2023

American Exceptionalism

American Exceptionalism was and still is the primary drive of the history lessons taught in American schools.  It is not unusual.  Any country harboring international intentions seems to push chauvinistic versions of their past and their plans for the future in order to reinforce how special their country is compared to the neighbors, allies, and enemies spread around the Globe. We have convinced ourselves that America is the most altruistic, fair, and benevolent country on the planet. We always use our power for good, not evil.

Bullshit. The primary purpose of our "altruism" is to enhance our position on the geopolitical landscape. Self interest is the lily we gild with a multitude of noble claims like so much filigree on a lace doily. 

The perception of what is evil and what is not is in the eye of the beholder. Most foreign policies are amoral agendas wrapped in the propaganda of nationalism. Most foreign policy is exploitative in nature and designed to reap rewards that benefit the benefactor in some way, if not in every way. Seldom does a country help a neighbor without an unspoken agenda or expectation of reciprocity in the future. Influence, riches, or market access are often the end games.

We Americans have convinced ourselves the USA is the greatest country in the World. To question that notion is unpatriotic.  If so, then I guess I am unpatriotic.  We are not that great and since Trump squatted in the White House, our position in the hierarchy of world leaders has plummeted. We are now nothing but a huge collection of fifty banana republics. If one political group has their way, this trend will continue in our foreseeable future.

Americans, like the British before them equate power to greatness.  If one is only using economic and/or military factors as their barometer, then yes, America was and and still might be a great country.  To me, the word "Great" is much more than just economic and military might. A great country first needs to fill the needs of its populations without exploitation. And in that respect, America is failing miserably, contrary to the publicly spewed Rah, Rah America bullshit; the worst of which is generated on the political Right.

Keep it 'tween the ditches .........................................


While this song is not directly about American Exceptionalism. It is certainly about one of the building blocks America has used to build our overblown opinion of ourselves. Here is Bruce Hornsby and  "The Way It Is". It is his critical look at Civil Rights in this country. I love the way this guy plays the piano.

* Image at top is, and I am guessing, a political cartoon from around the turn of the last century when America began to really flex its geopolitical muscles.

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

This article explains where it came from.