When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I was proud of the Boomer Generation I was part of. We made up a majority of the citizen soldiers whose resistance created so much change for the better. Civil Rights, Anti War, Environment, all benefited from our efforts.
That was then, this is now. Today, I am ashamed of my generation. We had claimed we did not want to become our parents. And we didn't. We became something worse. We shed all the good character traits of our parents and absorbed all their flaws.
Sure, there are many of us who have kept the flame burning, but for the most part, Boomers have become a generation of cynical, self absorbed assholes who don't give a rat's ass about the next guy.
We created the extreme partisanship we all live with today. What the Hell happened to us?
I am a generation prior to the boomers - I just drop out.
the Ol'Buzzard
Reagan. St. Ronnie glorified self-centered greed and said it was just fine to hate the poor. If you want to know exactly when we became a nation of jerks, it was January 1981. Or maybe November 1980 when too many people voted for someone who loved the wealthy more than he loved anything else.
Ol'Buzzard - My brothers were prewar babies. They did not drop out. They embraced the Conservative movement of our parents. They are not too pleased with where it went and how it sits today. I'd laugh at their expense, but then we both have been screwed it appears.
Nan - Reagan's election is the year I left the Republican Party. His dismal performance on the rights front as governor of California cemented my opinion he was nothing but a puppet of the status quo and a spokesman for GE and the high pocket crowd. Even my parents, die hard Goldwater Republicans, could not stand him. He definitely led the charge in the devolution of the GOP. It is a sad imitation of what it once was. To be fair, The Democrats have not fared much better. Bunch of whining little bitches with no balls. You should run for something. You could kick some ass and start to straighten them out in your pocket of the country.
I was born in 43..what does that make me..I'm not a boomer..my parents were both democrats when daddy was in military..then when he got out and started making big money he switched to gop..until nixon and then he switched back..I never switched..always been a yellowdog.
JACKIESUE - I guess that would make you a 'tweener of some kind to go along with you being one of a kind.
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