Sunday, June 02, 2024

We Libtards Blew It

Both the Left and the Right have always had fringe groups poking and prodding their mainstream cohorts to favor various kinds of extreme policies. That is the norm in any large gathering of similar political outlooks. And it is not unusual for the extremes of either group to carry more influence at different times based on constantly changing circumstances.

Twenty years ago when the Tea Party began rattling their tea bags, I was impressed with how much the lunatic fringe of the Right had grown. At the time I figured they would calm down some and become the GOP I grew up with: Loyal to their conservative ideologies, loyal to a fault to their party, and loyal to the rule of law.

I was not paying enough attention I guess. Suddenly, 2015 rolls up on us and the Right has embraced a criminal as their nominee for President. Oh I know, he had not been convicted of any crime, but everyone knew he was sleazy and a lowlife who had had committed many crimes. 

The Left laughed; made fun of the GOP's stupidity and dismissed them as a bunch of clowns. The Democratic nominee was sure to kick Trump's ass. I was sure of it too. Again, I was not paying the close attention I should have been to the events unfolding behind the top stories the media was force feeding us at the time. Overconfident, denigrating, and patronizing rhetoric from the Left drove a huge segment of our population further to the Right and pushed the extreme Right even closer to the edge of insanity.

We Libtards blew it. We know that now, but is it too little, too late? The country shifting more to the Right in the last twenty years has isolated and actually damaged much of the liberal progress we fought so hard for 50-60 years ago. The Left was outplayed and now it will be an uphill battle to bring the country back into equilibrium. What I figured would be a twenty year swing of the political pendulum to the Right looks to have more resilience than I thought. 

This battle is not over, The Left has not turned the tide. And while deep in our bones we know this, our leaders continue to evoke an elitist air and more often than not come off as insincere and aloof. 

The cocky attitude of the Left is gone now. Many of us still cannot believe how the GOP imploded and became a servile organization under the heel of a wannabe dictator.  Never mind all the analogies and comparisons, what we are facing is a serious shit storm on the horizon. You know you have an angry foe when no matter what you do, they want to put you in the ground for it. That is the kind of adversary the Right has become.

I am not saying we should be afraid. I am saying we need to gird our loins, dig in and give as good as we get. No more high road bullshit, no more mamby pamby handwringing, clutching of our pearls, or righteous indignation. You want to lose the America you envisioned as a kid, then sit on your asses and assume it will all work out in the end. This time, without our resistance it will work out for the wannabe dictator and his circle jerk of clowns. 

Keep it 'tween the ditches ...........................................


Green Day's song, "American Idiot "is twenty years old now. Its release coincides with the beginnings of the "Tea Bagger" movement on the Right. That this song is not outdated yet and still pertinent today reinforces my contention that the USA is in for a lengthy period of readjustment. It's interesting that this tune caused some bunching of panties among the righteously indignant Right and the quick to condemn PC packing Left.

Play it loud. That's a rule you know. 


Bohemian said...

Well, as a Moderate Independent who abhors the Tribalism of Partisan Politics, I never understood Devotion to a "Party" regardless of whose Leading it, makes no sense to me. I can wear a String of Pearls and call myself an Oyster, but... it doesn't make me one. That's how I felt about 45 saying all of a sudden that he was a "Republican" and that whole Party embracing him AFTER he got the Presidency. Way back in an Interview he did once say IF he were ever to run for the Presidency he'd run as a Republican, becoz, they were so Stupid... guess most of them didn't see that Interview and what he thinks of them? Apparently enough people who considered themselves Conservatives bought into his Con and were Fooled...yet, now here we are and in 2024 there can be no such delusions about who he is, what he is, and what he intends to do. How Extremism and Fascism is being embraced by many who probably never have been to a Country oppressed by a ruthless Dictator and Authoritarian Regime is deeply disturbing. I don't think most of them have any idea what they would actually be sacrificing when bringing down a functional Democracy and replacing it with a Regime... and by the time they wake up, it will be too late. I find it ironic how may slam being "Woke", when the opposite of Woke is "Asleep".

MRMacrum said...

Bohemian - "I find it ironic how may slam being "Woke", when the opposite of Woke is Asleep"."

Perfect. What disturbs me the most are not the dupes who bought into the lateness Winger messaging, but the evil Wingin assholes who know exactly what they are doing.

Ol'Buzzard said...

The Koch brothers supplied busses and funded the Tea Party. This group of idiots had always been a part of the Republican Party, but no one paid attention to them. They were easily manipulated and few of them voted anyway.
Once they found their antics could command the spotlight, the cameras and the news - you couldn't put the genie back in the bottle; or in this case the inmates back in the asylum.
For a while the Republican party was fine with their antics - they attracted attention and could be aimed at opponents like Obama. But then the idiots started feeling their power and some of the slightly less objectionable - better looking (Sarah Palin) were shepherded into
running for federal office - yeah youbetcha! Now we have Lauren Boebert who's only attribute seems to be the ability to give hand jobs in public movie theaters.

Now that the inmates have taken over the asylum GOP is ripe for a con man like Trump to establish his cult. P.T. Barnum said you don't have to be smart to con people - you just have to be smarter than the rubes you are conning.

Got to quit here: the cat wants (demands) supper.
the Ol'Buzzard

Kulkuri said...

The thing that gets me is the hypocrisy of the GQP. When TFG (That Fucking Guy) announced his candidacy in 2015, some made statements like Lindsey Graham did "If we nominate him it'll be the death of the Republican Party." Then after it looked like TFG was winning Lindsey's head was so far up TFG's ass he could see the Big Mac he had for lunch!

MRMacrum said...

Ol'Buzzard - Politics has always been a big con wrapped in a cloak of imaginary ethical behavior. The GOP has managed to fine tune that con so well, the con has become blatant, out in the open policy.

Kulkiri - The Wingers have learned there is a large demographic of America that are dumber than a box of rocks and angrier than hornet nest on fire. They don't really understand anything but their anger and have grabbed onto the manufactured anger of the GOP leadership.

PipeTobacco said...

Woah! That was a really bad image of tRump!!!! Impressive with so many to choose from!!!!!🙂

As a liberal like you, I can still say I TOO found Hillary’s loss (electoral loss) caught me completely off guard in 2016. I NEVER imagined that even in a worse case scenario that she would not have easily won over tRump.

And, like you said, we are at fault. Biden is good, but we need a GREAT person to assure tRump cannot win again. But… can Biden become great in time?

Even with his verdict, the current polls show it only nudged a tiny bit…. with most polls NOW suggesting 50-50 Biden-Trump OR some that say Biden may be ahead by a single point. That means with these verdicts…. it only swayed 1-2 % change which flabbergasts me.
