Sunday, June 16, 2024

Screen Saver

I have a screen saver feature on my computer that kicks in after so many minutes of inactivity. I often cuss at it, as it seems to constantly kick in during those blank moments when I stare at the screen looking for that next thought to type in. The screen saver shifts activity to the huge pile of images I have been accumulating since before Jesus was born. They flash from one to another with a second or two interval in between.

Suddenly, I am distracted from continuing the current flow of thought to images from my past. The images have no order and the computer does not sift out the images I created from the ones I poached from the Internet. 

Sometimes I never regain the lost thought and finish the paragraph. Now that I am used to it, I no longer cuss at it. I use it to my advantage. If  I have an urgency to finish the thought, I move the mouse slightly and the thought I wished to continue pops back up on my screen. If my blank stare is an indication of an empty head, devoid of any thought worth continuing, I often sit back and enjoy the slide show for a few minutes.

The images collected in my hard drive now go back to times long before I was born. I have saved old black and white photos of family who lived in the 1800's. I have saved images of me and my family over the years. And then there are the odd and unusual pictures I found out there in the Internet ether.

Each new slide show offers up photos I have forgotten and also ones the program feels need repeating. One such repeat is the image at the top. For some reason, I can count on it on a regular basis. And every time I see it, I miss my G-Guy terribly one more time. Immediately, memories of his life with us and the way he died flash harshly through my mind. 

That's the thing about memories though, sometimes even the bad ones are worth repeating. 

Keep it 'tween the ditches ................................


Memories.......... Yeah, Memories. What tune might I find that best describes my attitude toward memories?

Hmm .............

Here is a tune I have never heard before by a band I have never heard of before. "Choke", by OneRepublic. Sometimes the perfect song for the moment just appears. 

RIP G-Guy.


River said...

You can set the time on the screen saver so it takes longer before kicking in. I used to love the screen savers on the Windows 98 version also on the XP version. I haven't even looked at any for Windows 10.

MRMacrum said...

River - I did check out the settings. But I am used to it now and I think I will leave it as is.

I held onto my Windows 98 'puter for as long as I could. It finally was going to cost more to fix than it was worth; what with memory improvements, new fan, and other bobbles needed. My wife gave me one of her spare used but newer computers. I had her computer guy install huge memory and one of those no rotor hard drives, more memory and Windows 10. I don't like change. I expected issues with the new computer. I will have to say though, this was the easiest Windows program I have ever dealt with. Very intuitive and so far after a year, it is only getting better the more I explore.