Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Digressing to Blather

"He starts out with Nonsense and soon digresses to Blather" 

                      - Biden Supporter on Trump's Debating Skills

I wasn't going to post today. Obviously, I changed my mind.

The toilet roll in the picture has been sitting on our kitchen table for weeks now. Oh, its sanitary I guess, being shrink wrapped in plastic like it is. It was a hand me down political joke that I think has us several hand me downs from the original owner. Personally , I wouldn't use it to start a fire, let alone wipe my butt. It sat where it was first plopped until I decided to take a picture of it. 

Now what to do with it. ...... Hmm....... Okay, okay, it has room for a caption........... There, that gussies it up some.

This gag gift got me to thinking about the marketing and selling of such time sensitive items; products that have a finite popularity shelf life. I decided to search for some other ones.

There are many joke gifts that target politicians. Sleepy Joe and Trump certainly have their share. Since I am such a Trump fan, I thought it might be nice to point out some of the gag gifts besides T shirts you can get on Amazon.

Later Gators ...........................


I picked the song, "Date Rape", by Sublime. It is a fantasy tune starring the Orange ShitGibbon wearing an orange jump suit.


Anonymous said...

Well he is an Ass wipe and talks nothing but shit so I do find the gag gift appropriate. The marketing of his MAGA crap is selling to his rabid Base...but I guess they'll buy anything and fall for all the blather... applauding as if he said something profound. It makes me aware how dumbed down a swath of Society is... scary stuff since they breed and vote... Dawn the Bohemian

Anonymous said...

Was puzzled by the "J" in D.J..tRump - even though his fundamentalist followers probably hold to a belief I find both repugnant and sacreligious . I found my answer in the Al Capp confederate General Jubilation T. Cornpone, hero of such great battles as Cornpone's retreat, Cornpone's rout, Cornpone's defeat and Cornpone's Last Stand.

A bronze statue of D. Jubilation Trump would probably have higher IQ than than the Orange turd himself.

Which calls to mind the summer camp ditty "walking in the park
"goosing statues in the dark
"if Sherman's horse can take it
"so can yooooo!
Blair Backman

MRMacrum said...

Dawn - The greatest fear of politicians everywhere since time began is when the masses become aware. Sadly, many of them waking up now are following an idiot right over the cliff he has created.

Blair Backman - The dimensions have shifted. We are now in the Bizzaro Dimension. Hopefully we will shift back soon. I won't hold my breath.

Ol'Buzzard said...

If I had kept the comic books, baseball cards, political paraphernalia, and movie posters of my youth in the 40's and 50's they would be worth a fortune today. Put that stuff in a time capsule and pass it along to someone young.

Stormy Daniels said that when she came out of the bathroom and found Trump naked on the bed, he was watching sharks on TV. What was it she described? A little stump with a mushroom on top. I wish Biden would bring this up tonight at the debate.
the Ol'Buzzard

MRMacrum said...

Ol'Buzzard - I'm going to assume even a Godless Commie Network like CNN won't bring that topic up. Biden certainly won't. Unlike his opponent, Sleepy Joe is not stupid.