Saturday, March 30, 2024

Somebody's Bitch

I have been very critical of America, especially over the last 20 years. Don't get me wrong. I love my country. I just hate that "we the people" handed over the keys of the nation to idiots. And now the only choice we have is one kind of normal idiocy we are used to and in opposition, a new kind of idiotic evil that if allowed to have its way will complete our country's conversion into a super sized Banana Republic. 

The term "Banana Republic" is kind of dated. But then so am I. There are more than a few definitions for the term, but let's pick the one I have always considered to fit my view of what a "Banana Republic" is.

Wikipedia defines "Banana Republic" as:

“A banana republic is a country with an economy of state capital whereby the country is operated as a private commercial enterprise for the exclusive profit of the ruling class. Such exploitation is enabled by collusion between the state and favored economic monopolies, in which the profit, derived from the private exploitation of public lands, is private property, while the debts incurred thereby are the financial responsibility of the public treasury.”

I feel that this may be where we are heading if the evil idiot and his band of evil side kicks win the day in November. They surely seem intent on completing the swap of our 3 tiered society for a two tiered system, with the only goal being to enrich an oligarchy of private sector Capitalists. 

Over my lifetime, this conversion has been plodding along under the main stream radar. It has had some setbacks, but all in all, because of its patient and insistent encroachment into the soul of our nation, it is now on the cusp of having its way with us. 

I ask that we don't solely place blame on the sneaky assholes who desire to own us. They are doing what they do in the open, right in front of us. It's what comes naturally to the self absorbed predator. We opened the door and continue to hold it open. We have allowed our country to become nothing but a labor pool being used and abused by a group whose only interest is lining their own pockets. 

I think the only difference between the "free" citizens of the USA and slavery or indentured servitude is a matter of degree. We aren't free. Not really. The need to survive all too often depends on the good graces  of the people with the purse strings. We also seem to need to serve as someone's ideological bitch. The problem headed our way now is we are about to be less free than we were.

If we want to blame anyone, we should all stand in front of a mirror and take a good look. Who is standing there? That person in the mirror and all the other people in this country share the blame for what we have to deal with today. If we can't retrieve the freedoms we have lost, we should at the least fight like Hell to retain the ones still available. And I don't mean guns. Guns won't do it for us. But voting just might.

Later ......................................


Found an interesting music video on Facebook by Firehill. It's called "Somebody's Bitch". One recurring line contends:

"I don't want to get up to be somebody's bitch"

Hmm. Yet every morning most of us do exactly that.

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