Monday, March 25, 2024

History is Often an Unpleasant Circle


The problem with history is it needs to constantly remind us in order to be remembered. 

Why is that?

I am sure there are many folks with many letters behind their names who are cock sure of why this particular flaw in Humanity exists. But like most things not supported by facts, any conjecture or conclusions on why we cannot seem to remember History is useless. There are only explanations, opinions and excuses.

Since I have time now for useless endeavors, I have my opinion of course.

Most of us conveniently do not remember History now because we did not live then. This is true especially if that history runs contrary to current interests. Humans are so self absorbed with their existence in any given moment that thinking outside the narrow confines of their life is more often than not of no use to their here and now concerns. Humans are not inclined to long term thinking.

That leaves only the historians to keep track for us. And they do not often agree on how past events unfolded and what their significance for the future was. 

A perfect example would be Slavery and the Civil War. For years the southern apologists insisted the war was not about slavery, it was about states rights. The war was the North's fault. The South were the victims of a brutal war of oppression. 

Why did the Civil War apologists insist on painting this picture of being victims? Besides the obvious need to duck any responsibility for something that did not go their way, I can only assume it was in their interests, economic and politically, to play the victim card. The Jim Crow crowd  depended to a large degree on the appearance of southern victimhood to keep their evil policies of segregation in play.  It worked and is still working in some parts of the country and reappearing in others.

But no category of history has been manipulated as much as the histories of religions. Organized religion has been more responsible over the ages for more strife, anguish, and death than any other single idea. The fact that so many people still congregate in groups advocating hate and discount based on some kind of divine permission slip is the perfect example of Humanity's convenient disregard for what their various religions have unleashed on the World as they gained dominance on the World stage.

After the time I have used to think this through to this point, I have decided.............

We don't remember history because it all too often does not dovetail cleanly into our current rosy outlooks. Facing the past frequently forces us to face the unpleasant found in our present. 

Who would want to do that?

Keep it 'tween the ditches ..........................................


I found two tunes that fit with this post. "History Repeating", by the Propellerheads w/Sirley Bassey rocks the casbah. Great tune.

And then there was a spoken piece , "History Repeats Itself", by Buddy Starcher. It is backed up with appropriately patriotic background music. I was not going to play it, but it pointed up some damn interesting connections between Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy. 

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