True to the developing entrepreneurial spirit of America, Easter has evolved into a day with widespread economic repercussions. Beginning around 150 years ago and looking to bolster sales and not bunch up any Christian panties, the greeting card folks, the candy folks and the chicken farmers created another myth of bunnies and chickens conspiring together to litter the landscape with dead embryos.
Why? What was the premise?
I have never understood the connections there other than making money. Easter is a perfect example of religion and capitalism forming a more perfect union. Never miss a chance to score some more bucks; it's the American way.
Because it is Easter, I started off my day with a jig saw puzzle. Not a real, picking up pieces puzzle, but one online. After all, there are limits to my patience. It featured dogs in cute poses wearing rabbit ears. I love dogs, so of course it seemed an appropriately proper tip of my hat to a tradition I find silly.
On the other hand, there is always the darker side of my psyche pushing me for some kind of nod. I do my best to ignore it, but, well, I can only resist for so long until I just have to throw it a bone.The movie that inspired this cartoon on the left was the first of a now classic movie franchise that has been continuing to evolve these past 40 plus years. I guess it is only natural to lampoon it and at the same time irritate some over the top Christian Nationalist somewhere. If that is all I accomplish this Easter Day, I will have fulfilled my goal for today.
Keep it 'tween the ditches ......................
I wasted too many minutes trying to find suitable music that tied the movie "Alien" in some way to Easter. Other than the cartoon above, I found nada, nothing, not a fucking glimmer. My back up song quickly came to mind as I was listening to it when I decided to change gears. Here is "Imaginary", by Evanescence.