Tuesday, October 03, 2023

The Rich's Bitches

Facebook meme's come and they go. Most of them I forget as soon as I have taken in their point and responded in an appropriate way; laugh, like, care, cry, or be angry. I punch one icon up and move on. But sometimes a meme will pass by that pops up later in discussions me, myself and I have on a regular basis. 

The meme to the right fits that scenario. It makes or is it, repeats a truth that has been part of Human interactions and societies ever since the notion of "ownership" was embraced back in the "Pre-days"by barefoot, stinking skin wearing cave dwellers somewhere, most likely Africa.

This basic flaw in the human character is so ingrained, it is an accepted fact of life. Alarms only go off when the greed of the Rich blatantly outstrips the needs of the Not Rich. 

Sadly, the bar at which alarm bells go off is obscenely high. The 90% of us who live under the thumb of the richest 10% have grown accustomed and comfortable with our paltry share. At no time has this been more obvious than over the last two decades. 

We of the 90% have financially bailed the Rich out more than a few times in recent years. We have paid for tax breaks for the 10%-ers that have not only made them even more disgustingly richer, but has saddled us with astronomical future debt we will paying for into the 2030's, maybe beyond. 

When will the chumps who comprise the 90% wake up and make moves to bring more equity between those who have and those who don't?

The answer looks like "It will never happen". We would rather allow them to feed at a trough we pay for, yet have no access to. Slavery and indentured servitude may be off the books, but they are still here and have never been more in our face. We just do not want to admit it to ourselves.

We are nothing but the Rich's Bitches.

Later ...........................................


I knew going in what song I wanted to use today. The song "Money", written by Berry Gordy and Janie Bradford back in 1959, has always been the perfect anthem for the self-possessed Rich. My problem was, seems everyone and their brother has done a cover of this tune. I picked the Supreme's version because I remembered it from Teen Club in the mid 1960's.


The Blog Fodder said...

Slavery and indentured servitude may be off the books, but they are still here and have never been more in our face.
We are indeed owned by the 0.01%

MRMacrum said...

The Blog Fodder - Its odd how we have never eradicated slavery and indentured servitude. Why would we? There is just too much easy money to make.