Friday, October 06, 2023

Hanging Coffees

I ran across a do gooder thing that was started in Naples, Italy. It is called "Hanging Coffees", better known maybe as "Suspended Coffees". It is a simple twist on the idea of "Pay it Forward", where those of us who can, help in some small way others less able to help themselves. A small gesture that ensures someone in need the smallest luxury of a warm drink at a diner, restaurant, food truck, etc.

The way it works is someone will order a coffee or tea, or really any drink or food item and then add to their order a specific number of Hanging Coffees which can later be redeemed by folks who cannot afford the pleasure of a cup of Hot Joe themselves.

So simple, so small a gesture. Yet it speaks volumes about how we feel regarding the folks who are struggling because of economic hard times, mental hard times, etc. We may never walk in their shoes, but we can at least do something to make their walk less of a struggle.

One small token kindness in a world that appears to not care what happens to any of us. If the World doesn't care, maybe we should take over and do some of the caring ourselves.

Keep it 'tween the ditches ............................................


The only song I could think of was Phil Collins' tune, "Another Day in Paradise". Another song that has a great video that comes along for the ride. Enjoy!


The Blog Fodder said...

I like that idea.

MRMacrum said...

The Blog Fodder - I do also. I look forward to putting my money where my mouth is.