Saturday, November 19, 2022

Send in the Clowns

And just like that, any Right Wing concerns over Inflation, the Border, and the price of gas have been forgotten in favor of the simmering witches' brew of conspiracies that have comprised most of the Republican agenda these past six years.

The GOP Collective held their first press conference after just squeaking into the majority in the House of Representatives. The first words that slithered out of their mouths were "Hunter Biden". 

Hunter Biden? Wow! The Right has allowed their overwhelming hate of the Left to remove any notion that useful legislation might be proposed from their side any time soon. Payback and stickin it to the Libs is their Number One Priority. In their minds, as small as they are, there is only room for one goal at a time. And Hate Trumps anything else. 

For the last 20 years, the focus of the GOP in Congress has degenerated to where their concerns are less about governing, and more about obstruction and revenge. Advancement of Conservative policy has taken a back seat to their quest to "own the Libs". Now we have a large group of Republicans in Congress who have either forgotten how to govern or have never learned how. So what do they make their first priority in their first Press Conference after the mid term election? 

With puffed chests and serious eyes, these master Right Wing tacticians claim that one of, if not their first act of governing will be going after Hunter Biden (Joe Biden really), then Pelosi, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and every Democrat who has ever stood against them. And while the GOP stands around, happy in their obstructionist and acrimonious circle jerk, the Democrats, as they have for over 20 years now, will be spending at least some of their time trying to manage the insanity of running a government.

The leadership of the Right cannot seem to get past the bones they have been chewing on for so many years. Looking forward is tossed out in favor of trying to bring back the worst of the Past and make it even worse. The GOP, in its current configuration by being overloaded with MAGA- Maniacs and wacko Christians; well, it seems The Grand Old Party is racing towards irrelevancy at break neck speed. The same old stupidity the Right has been focused on these past six years have given a sizable majority of Americans a serious headache. Much of America is now disgusted with the Right. 

The GOP's serious shift to the edges of conservative sanity, combined with them now allowing the Christian Nationalists to own their messaging, has already caused a major draw down on the numbers of actual conservative intellects. And with Christianity losing members faster today than ever before, I see this embracing of the worst of Christianity as a lose-lose proposition for the GOP. But try to point out the mistakes they are making and the result is being labelled a "Libtard" and added to some Winger's enemies list somewhere. The GOP has lost its collective mind and its future does not look good.

They just can't drop their hate and it is going to be their ruin. And because of the damage they have been responsible for over the years I hope I am right. The GOP does not deserve to be in charge of anything.

Regardless, that first press conference claiming mid-term victory over the Democrats was a hollow affair full of only bravado and no substance. It was an event to raise the spirits of a party who knows there was no real victory. They know they had their asses handed to them. Their chest thumping claims of payback will most likely end up as more of the same obstruction the GOP has used in the past. The Democrats own the Senate and the White House for the next two years. What that means is most likely more of the same shit we have had to deal with over the last 20 years.

So have no fear, nothing looks to change much. The same old assholes pulling the same old stupidity while pissing on each other's shoes. It's sad really.

Later .......................................................

** - Cartoon up top from Rolling Stone


Before I even picked a tune, I remembered Judy Collins' hit, "Send in the Clowns" . The point of the song may not quite fit, but the title damn sure does. 


The Blog Fodder said...

That, my friend, is a very sad but very accurate assessment of the situation. The video you shared the other day with the madman ranting. He said that although they are very much in the minority, they must take control of the media and government and force people to think and believe as they do or face the consequences. This is the underlying goal of the extremes of the GOP and one they will continue to work to achieve. I am afraid for your country and for mine

Kulkuri said...

I hope I live long enough to see the GQP become the Whigs of the 21st century.

yellowdoggranny said...

just who the fuck are these crazy people????