Monday, May 24, 2021

The Insurrectionist Party


So Joe, of "Morning Joe" wants us to stop calling Trumping Qanon Insurrectionists Republicans.  He contends that they are giving good Republicans a bad name. He claims there are now three parties, Democrats, Republicans and the Insurrection Party.  Damn convenient parsing of reality there Joe.


Sorry Joe, but as long as those Trumping Qanon Insurrectionists call themselves Republicans, the whole party owns them, lock, stock and barrel.  And even if they drop their affiliation, they are still members of the Right and responsible for the stupidity that followed Trump into the White House.

Who sat mute and did nothing as the Tea Party movement poisoned the Conservative roots of the GOP?  Well, in case you are suffering  convenient Right Wing Memory Loss you Wingers love to engage in, then you would know it was the "Good Republicans" who are first and foremost responsible for what we are dealing with today. If your members had a spine in the first place, we might be looking at more of a bi-partisan arrangement than we are now.  You allowed the stupid and uninformed of your movement take it over.

Your GOP birthed the John Birch Society.  Your "conservatives" were responsible for Joe McCarthy and his clown friends, John Wayne and Ronald Reagan ruining so many people's lives in the 1950s.  Your economic policies have never been good policies for anyone but the rich and yet, you keep shoving them in our faces.  Your tendency to mix in religion with your politics is most definetely a recipe for the disaster that unfolds today. 

All in all,  Right Wing mentalities have done more harm than good to our country. So stop with the apologetic squirming meaningless effort to disengage from that which you are responsible for.  But then that is what Republicans do, never own up to anything.

Later ..........................................


The Blog Fodder said...

Amen, Brother! Preach it from the rooftops

Linda said...

I tend to agree with you on all accounts. The "morality" party has a warped sense of what moral is.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Might be off a little. But our local library shut down because of John Birch people.
My parents mainly my dad was a Barry Goldwater republican.
Coffee is on and stay safe

MRMacrum said...

Blog Fodder - I had some pent up political angst. I have been trying to tone down my outrage.

Linda - The "morality" party does indeed seem to insist on their first rule being loyalty without question. And their second rule is "Do as I say, not as I do".

peppylady (Dora) - My family was pro-Goldwater until he picked Curtis Lemay as his running mate. I always liked Barry. He had his ethical standards and he lived by them. He did not cave to the flow of the current political winds,

Ol'Buzzard said...

Totally agree. Trump was not an anomaly, but an avatar of the republican base - Trump was just the face. If Joe were still in Congress he would be supporting the Republican line.
the Ol'Buzzard

MRMacrum said...

Ol'Buzzard - I like that, "Trump ......... an avatar of the republican base." Indeed he is. He is the warning not the danger coming. And Joe may indeed be a Republican in sheep's clothing, but art least he is one who is thinking of the country and not what golf course to hit this afternoon.